Page 70 of Light the Fire
Hearing Rix and Jorik fucking Haina down in the cabin was the worst form of torture I could have ever imagined. And I’d been tortured in a lot of creative ways. I’d rather have my toenails pulled out with pliers again than have to listen to Haina come over and over and over again, and yet, that was my new reality.
And just like Rix and Jorik had both commented, she came fucking beautifully.
It’d taken every shred of willpower I possessed to stay at the helm and not go down to the cabin and watch her face as she came. I sure as fuck pictured it, though.
But that was all I would ever do.
I could only ever imagine myself sinking into her slick, pink heat, imagine her eyes widening at first as she got acclimatized to my size, then sink to half-mast in arousal.
She’d demanded Jorik fuck her hard.
Oh, I’d fuck her hard. I’d destroy her in the best possible fucking way. Make her beg for my cock, beg for me to drill her harder and do it again and again. Beg for sweet release. But she’d only get to come when I said so, and when I finally allowed her that privilege, she’d fucking thank me afterward.
Was I obsessed with her?
Not yet.
And I wouldn’t allow myself to get there. I couldn’t.
My “brothers” were head over fucking heels for her, though. And they’d fallen fast. Maybe it was just the fact that we were free, allowed to forge relationships and bonds of our own volition, or we’d been deprived of human contact and connection that wasn’t laden with an ulterior motive for so long that they jumped in with both feet with Haina.
They believed that she was different. But I knew better.
Just because she had the Theta strain didn’t mean she also wasn’t a fucking Sigma and Kappa. And Kappas—most of them—were clinically diagnosed psychopaths.
Kappas could not be trusted.
I’d learned that the hard way.
Chancehad learned that the hard way.
Sure, Haina seemed trustworthy. She seemed different than the other Kappas I’d come across. She was naive and sweet, but there was Sigma in her blood. She was fucking smart. She knew exactly how to act, how to behave, and what to say to convince her targets that she wasnota skilled and manipulative killer. An opportunistic Kappa, trained to slaughter with zero remorse, guilt, or empathy.
That was one thing those in charge hated about the super soldiers. No matter how much Kappa blood they pumped into us, no matter how many experiments and genetic manipulations they did, they could not create a psychopathic super soldier. They could not create a male embryo with the inherent built-in lack of fear, guilt or empathy.
Sure, a male psychopath slipped through the cracks now and again—as was the law of averages—but they couldn’t “create” ruthless male killers the way they could create Kappas.
I’d nearly fallen for her ruse before the soldiers attacked us and she heard the chopper. She’d cast her spell on me, and I’d succumbed to my attraction to her for the briefest of moments. Rix and Jorik thought I was playing her, and maybe at first, I had been. We were alone on the boat for once, and I wanted to see if I could get her to crack. If I could push her to reveal her true self, but either she was a damn good actor, or she hadn’t been playing me at all.
Either way, my own ruse started to fail and I felt myself beginning to get tangled in her web of innocence and curiosity. The scent of her arousal flooded my brain, pushing out all other rational thoughts. My cock quickly became an iron bar in my pants and the desperate need to sink inside her became all-consuming.
Because yes, I wanted to fuck her.
She was beautiful. She was strong. She was brilliant.
But she was also a Kappa. And I’d almost forgotten that.
When the fog of desire disappeared, I berated myself for falling for her trick. She was a talented one, I’d give her that. She’d duped my brothers, but I knew better. I didn’t believe for a second that she was this blushing virgin who didn’t know what sex was and had never seen a cock in her life. If those noises down in the cabin were any indication, she was teaching my brothers a thing or two, not the other way around.
She’d been to the Sector Eight compound, just like we had, now, I was sure of it.
Only, what was with that freak out after she killed those men? I gave her comfort, because at first I believed she was really going in to shock, and remembered what it was like the first time I killed someone. But I quickly smarted up. She’d killed before. It was all just a part of her act. A convincing act, but an act nevertheless.