Page 84 of Light the Fire
If they were as good as Zane made them out to be, how would I even be able to tell what was real and what was fake?
Another gritty chuckle rumbled through the darkness from him, and he drained the bottle, setting it on the floor beside the couch where he sat. “Just some food for thought there, Kitten.”
I’d been trying so hard to remain strong around Zane, to keep my composure and not present myself as the weak liability he saw me as, but his words cut deep. They hit bone, and a sob clutched at my throat before I could stop it. I clasped my hand over my mouth to stop any further ones from rushing out, but it was too late.
A warm, fat tear slid down my cheek, and I buried my face in my knees. “You’re just cruel,” I murmured, not caring if he even heard me. “Unnecessarily cruel. You could just ignore me, be indifferent, but instead you seek out to hurt me when I’ve done nothing but…” I lifted my head. “Nothing. I’ve done nothing to you. Literally nothing. I saved your life and was met with animosity for even that.”
The fire was returning to my belly. He’d hit bone, but that didn’t mean he’d sliced through me entirely. My spine was made of steel, and I’d taken far more brutal verbal and physical lashings from Moord than Zane could ever administer.
My lips peeled back into a snarl. “So what if it’s all a game. We’re having fun. We could all die tomorrow, and at least we’ll have spent our night enjoying our last few days alive. I’d rather die having been happy for my last moments than horribly miserable like you.”
I stood up and deliberately took the long way by walking past him.
Pausing in front of Zane, blocking out the light from the candle with my body, which only made his face even more shadowy and dangerous, I looked down at him. “Get over yourself. You’re not special. You’re not kind. And you’re no longer the tiebreaker in this little group.” Then I flicked his forehead with my thumb and middle finger and headed off to the master bedroom to wait for my men. “Have fun with your hand tonight, Captain Sunshine. I’ll make sure to scream extra loud so you can get some good fodder for your imagination.”
Then, because it was either laugh or cry, I cackled like a crazy person right before I slammed the bedroom door, hard enough to make the whole cabin shake.