Page 89 of Light the Fire
Mybodyslumpedbonelesslyinto the mattress as a small but goofy smile crept across my face. I hadn’t bothered to open my eyes, but I could feel Rix crawling up the bed from where he’d had his face between my legs, only to flop beside me.
“Wildcat,” he murmured, taking my face gently in his hand and turning me to face him. I opened my eyes but then closed them again as he brought his mouth to mine, letting me taste my release on his lips and tongue. “Don’t you taste fucking delicious?”
I smiled against his mouth.
I wasn’t opposed to my flavor, but it certainly didn’t do for me what it clearly did for Jorik and Rix.
While Rix used his tongue, lips, and fingers on me, sliding two of those fingers into my butt as well, Jorik had jumped back in the shower because, as he claimed, “If I can, I’m gonna!” Which I didn’t begrudge for a second. We had hot running water, so why not take advantage of it?
He emerged from the steaming bathroom just as I was coming down from the second orgasm Rix had given me with his face between my legs, and as I pulled away from Rix’s kisses, I caught Jorik’s hooded gaze.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Angel,” he murmured, kneeling onto the bed entirely naked. “And you know that what Zane said about us playing you is false, right?”
No, I didn’tknowthat for certain, but I certainly hoped it wasn’t true.
The feelings I was having for Rix and Jorik, and reluctantly for Zane, were real, the most real things I’d ever felt for other people in my entire life, so to even think that their feelings weren’t reciprocated—at least with Rix and Jorik—would be devastating. Even though I didn’t say that to Zane, I tried to maintain a brave front—which hadn’t worked out well since I ended up sobbing on the couch for a moment before I reclaimed my steel spine and told him off.
“Sure, we’re using theskillswe learned at that nightmare of a compound to make you scream, but we’re notusingyou,” Rix added, trailing his fingers lightly up my arm. “I think we’re all a little … confused about how we feel right now, don’t you think?”
“We’ve been denied regular lives, regular human interaction, and joy, so now that we finally have it, it almost doesn’t seem real.” Jorik reclined on the other side of me on the bed. “Too good to be true. Like the other shoe is going to drop or something.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Other shoe?”
He grinned. “It’s just an expression.”
I shrugged and blew out a big breath from puffed lips. “Just another thing Idon’tknow because I was kept in a proverbial cage my entire life.”
“Until now,” Jorik said, plucking one of my nipples between his fingers and making me suck in a sharp breath. “Now, Angel, you’re free.”
I turned to smile at him. “So free.”
“So … are you hungry for a sandwich?” Rix asked, scooting in behind me so I could feel his hard cock against the crease of my butt.
A tremble of anticipation and excitement zapped through me. I nodded, biting my lip as I glanced behind me at the handsome and oh-so-kind man behind me.
Enough to draw gooseflesh across my skin, Rix trailed his index finger up from the bend of my knee along my thigh, hip bone and abdomen. “You are honestly the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, Haina.”
“Sexy…” I rolled the word around on my tongue. “That means like … attractive, evoking arousal, right?”
Both of the guys chuckled.
“It does,” Jorik confirmed. “And I have to agree with my brother. You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, too. Soft and gentle. Beautiful and kind. But also, so incredibly deadly and strong. The dichotomy is …” he sighed and smiled serenely. “Astounding.”
I grinned wide at their words, even though my cheeks grew warm and I had the urge to hide my eyes in embarrassment. But I wasn’t that cowering, simpering fool that Moord wanted me to be. Try as he might have to break my spirit, he’d never truly succeeded. I might have let him think that he did, but that was only to escape the punishment and bide my time. I knew one day my chance for escape would come, so I just put up and shut up until then, saving myself from hours of torture by acting like the meek and obedient death machine I was trained to be.
“Well, you guys are prettysexy, too,” I said, cupping Jorik’s jaw and leaning in for a kiss. “You’re my grizzly dressed as a teddy bear. Deadly and hard, but also super squishy.” I poked his hard chest with a finger on my free hand but all I was met with was steely muscle.
Rix snorted. “Jorik, a teddy bear?”
Jorik shot him a glare. “I wear that description like a badge of honor. Shut your face.” Then he nipped my lip and growled as he hauled me across his body, depositing me on top of his chest so I was sprawled out with his hard cock almost perfectly notched at my center. “If it hurts at any point, Angel, just say the word and we’ll stop, okay?” Jorik said, his eyes deep pools of green, hitting me hard and making my chest tighten.
I nodded. “Okay.”
I was already turned on and slick from Rix’s mouth down between my legs a moment ago, so it took no effort at all for Jorik to slide inside my pussy, both of us moaning as he reached the end of me. Instantly, I started to ride him, my hands braced on either side of his arms as I moved back and forth, feeling the strong, thick length of him sliding in and out of me, coasting across my walls and reawakening all my nerve endings.