Page 93 of Light the Fire
The next morning, I woke in a tangle of strong limbs, softly dusted with hair. Arms were strewn across my abdomen, while each of my legs was captured between two others. The men on either side of me were snoring softly into their pillows while lying facedown, their very nice, round buttocks calling for me to bite them.
Where did that inclination come from?
“I can’t read your thoughts, baby, but I can take a stab at what’s got your heart rate going wild suddenly,” Rix said groggily, turning his head to face me, a lazy smile curling his talented lips.
“Why do I want to bite each of your butts so badly?” I asked, hoping to God I wasn’t suddenly turning into a cannibal.
“Because we’ve got great asses,” Jorik said from the other side of me, taking my jaw in his hand and bringing my mouth over to his for a morning kiss. “Or at leastIdo. Rix’s is …okay, I guess.” I loved it when Jorik got playful. Rix was always playful, but this new side of my teddy bear, the relaxed and joking side was a wonderful surprise that I wanted more of.
“I have the best ass in this house, stop kidding yourself,” Rix said with a yawn. “Well, after Wildcat’s. Hers is obviously the best and the most biteable. Followed by mine. Then maybe Jorik’s, and Zane is definitely last. Though, his ass is certainly kickable.”
I giggled. “I won’t argue with that.”
A hand I was pretty sure belonged to Rix, pinched my butt cheek before he growled, “Hey, leave some of that sweetness for me,” and stole me away from Jorik tugging me under him in a movement that shouldn’t have been as fluid as it was.
I giggled again as I looped my arms around his neck. “I’ll never run out of kisses for either of you.”
“Good.” Rix’s fingers danced across my spine, tickling lower until he reached the top of my crease. “And how are we feelingherethis morning?” he asked.
I glanced up at him, then over to Jorik out of the corner of my eye. “Glad that I heal faster than average. I feel great and hungry for more.” Dipping my head low, I snagged Rix’s bottom lip between my teeth and pulled. With a rush of adrenaline and a new idea popping into my head, I looped my leg around his and flipped us over in one fell swoop so he was now beneath me.
His grin was wicked. “I like it when you take control, baby. It’s so fucking hot.”
He was hard when he woke up, but rather than shimmy onto his cock and take him in my pussy, I made my way down his body even farther, loving the hooded look of desire in his eyes as he caught my drift.
“You’re the best fucking thing ever, Cat,” he said on a strained breath as I took him in my mouth and brought him to the back of my throat.
I was kneeling on the end of the bed between Rix’s bare legs, so it was no surprise— in fact, it was welcome—when Jorik slid off the bed, his eyes locked on mine as he walked around the room. When he disappeared behind me, he slid to his own knees and brought his mouth to my already dripping center.
He worked me up into such a frenzy with his tongue alternating between sucking my clit and fucking my pussy that I was squirming and writhing while still taking Rix in my mouth.
I pushed back into Jorik’s mouth, loving the way his tongue mimicked a cock, but then when he moved it north and circled my tight hole, I nearly came.
I begged for him—mumbling incoherently around Rix’s length—to fuck me properly. That I wanted to come while I was full.
“Well, when you ask so sweetly, Angel,” Jorik said with a wicked chuckle, standing back up, notching his cock at my center and wasting no time easing in.
Levering over my body, he gathered my hair in his fist and tugged it until a stinging but not entirely unpleasant sensation prickled my scalp.
His other hand gripped my hip, his fingers digging in to hold on as he pumped and bucked into me furiously.
I’d asked the guys more than once to go harder last night, so they were starting to understand that I wanted it hard, fast, and rough. I wanted to feel the sting of my scalp as they pulled my hair, the snap of pain from their bites, and the dull throb from their fingers digging into my hip. I wanted to see the bruises of their passion when I looked in the mirror, even if they only lasted for a few minutes because my body healed so damn fast.
“Fuck,” Jorik grunted, picking up speed and intensity behind me. “This is so fucking hot, watching you take Rix in your mouth like that.”
“Look,” Rix said, tilting his head to the side to where a vanity mirror was propped up on a low dresser. All three of us were framed within the glass. “Fucking hell,” he gritted. “That is so fucking hot.”
“Jesus fuck, yes,” Jorik agreed.
With my neck craned back because Jorik had my hair, I shifted my eyes to the mirror. Rix’s gaze caught mine, and golden-brown fire blazed back at me.
We were all in the throes of passion, climbing the hill to ecstasy together, writhing, sweaty and moaning as each pleasure point was struck, when I suddenly felt a fourth heartbeat, and it was beating wildly.
I couldn’t really turn my head, since my mouth was full of cock and Jorik had a tight grip on my hair, but I caught a glimpse of Zane standing in the doorway, watching.