Page 24 of King Larson
“Tell, dollface.”
I just stare at him. “I don’t get the question.”
“You do this thing where you shut down anything nice a guy says. I can’t tell if it’s insecurity or the fact that you’re more attracted to me than you want to admit.”
Well, fuck me.“No, it’s actually my bullshit radar. And it’s off the charts right now.” I’m so bullshitting right now. He’s smarter than I gave him credit for.
“Why would I need to bullshit you? Have I not been upfront with you so far?”
“So why would I start now?”
“Because you know you’re good-looking. Jake Larson gets what he wants.”
He laughs, but not a humorous one. “If I only wanted your cookie, I would bake my own, babe.”
Cue the ovaries again.“Don’t be lewd.”
“Then give me an honest answer.”
“Actually, I don’t owe you anything except an apology. I apologize for coming on to you while I was drunk, and I apologize for making you think I’m that kind of girl.” He just shakes his head at me. In disappointment. “What?”
“Nothing, dollface. Enjoy your day,” he snaps at me. He walks past me to the bathroom, but I’m not done. Because my mouth is on autopilot now.
“You realize every time we talk, this is how it always ends? Getting upset with each other?” We bicker like an old married couple, for Christ’s sake.
“Leia, I really don’t want to argue with you—”
“I don’t want to argue with you either. So how do we rectify this? Stop talking? Be friends?” There’s a moment of silence. He’s looking toward the wall, and I’m waiting for his answer. The seconds are agony. “Jake—”
“Sure, Leia. We can be friends.”
I frown at him as he shuts the bathroom door.
I had to get fucked up...
Or I would lose my mind over the fact that for the first time in my life, I was rejected by a beautiful woman. And not justanybeautiful woman. Her. Why couldn’t I haveher? I had to find out what her hang-ups were. What was stopping her from letting go. Is it because of my status? The King Larson persona is a lot for most people to handle. Maybe I come off as too arrogant? Because...I’m white? Oh man, I hope that’s not it.
But what if it is?If that’s the reason, I could never live with myself—being rejected because I wasn’t her type.
Just then, Hunter walks into our frat house and drops his bag on the floor.
“Dude, rejection sucks. But you have to stop sulking.”
“I’m not sulking, Rosen. I’m...wallowing.” Dude...
“Look, it doesn’t matter. We’re friends. I’ll be her fucking friend.” But will I?CanI? Will I be able to handle seeing her with Boy Wonder?
“Okay, so then what’s the problem? I have plenty of friends that are girls.” I give him a look. Because he knows where I’m going with that. “Okay, so maybe I’ve been with two or three of them. What’s the harm in a few one-night stands?”
“The problem is that she doesn’t want that.” AndIdon’t even know if I want that.