Page 26 of King Larson
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I reek of virginity.
And I think Jake Larson can tell. It’s been two weeks since we’ve spoken, and I can’t figure out why I can’t be myself around him. Why do I snap at him as much as I do? Why does he get under my skin as much as he does? Why is he attracted to me? I have to ask Taya all of these questions. But I was not expecting her honest-as-hell answers.
“Yes, you reek of a saintly virgin.”
I roll my eyes as our track friend Sarah throws a fry at her. “Taya.”
“What? She asked and I answered.”
I just shake my head and eat a fry. We’ve been having a last-minute movie night in my and Taya’s dorm room, and freshman year starts tomorrow. “I mean, come on, Leia. You wear a freaking purity ring on your finger. You have a high-pitched voice. A blind man could tell you’re as pure as they come.”
“So if I’msooopure, why does Jake keep chasing after me? I thought hot guys liked experienced girls.” To be fair, Jake doesn’t actually know that I’m a virgin.
“Um...because you’re pretty? You don’t give yourself enough credit. Just because you’re innocent, that doesn’t make you unattractive to people.”
“Most guys steer away from me, though.”Like the plague.
“Aww Leia, that does not happen, love. You’re gorgeous. You just have impossible standards, and you’re pretty intimidating,” Sarah pipes up.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty easy to talk to.” In fact, I’msupereasy to talk to.
“Leia...” Taya says in disbelief.
“What? Nick talks to me.” Very minimally, but we still talk.
“Nick is a cocky bastard, and I think you know that. You just won’t admit it.”
“Oh, sonowhe’s a cocky bastard. After you both practically convinced me to ask him out freshman year.” What’s worse is that she’s right. Nick is very cocky. I don’t know how—orwhy—I put up with it. He’s an All-American boy. The persona is a turn-on for most girls. But for’s no longer attractive. Especially since he openly flirts with other girls in front of me. Being with him is no longer the enjoyable experience it used to be.
“Wait a second, no one made you go out with anyone. We just said he was hot.”
Sarah and I both stare at Taya.
“Taya, evenIknow we encouraged her to take a chance with him. It’s not nice to lie to friends.”
Taya rolls her eyes and weaves her fingers through her brown hair.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m just saying, you don’t give yourself enough credit,” she says...sort of distastefully. “My ex-boyfriend even thought you were hot.”
“You mean your summer track boyfriend? Summer camp was one week, hun.” Sarah and I both laugh. One-week summer camp does not a relationship make.
“Yeah, well...” She can’t find an explanation. “We dated both summers at track camp, Leia. Don’t be annoying,” she says, seemingly annoyed.
Shrugging, I put off the conversation. “If you say so, hun.” I look at the clock. 11 p.m. Shit. My first class is at 7 a.m. “Guys, I think we should turn in for the night. I have to get up early for my first class.”
Sarah lets out an annoyed groan. “I didn’t realize we were up that late. Shit, I have my first class early too. Are you guys gonna be around for lunch tomorrow? Or are you leaving campus for food?”
“I’ll be here. I need to train in the weight room after to burn whatever calories.” They both roll their eyes. “What? I gotta stay in shape, girls.”
“Whatever, good night. I’m tired anyway,” Taya says in her Taya fashion. We pack up the food for the night, and Sarah leaves. In the next ten minutes, Taya’s fast asleep in bed, and I’m in bed, saying a prayer.Here’s to a good first day.
“Nice job, Larson! Good assist.”