Page 38 of King Larson
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“I told you so, Leia. Listen to me next time.”
These are Nick’s words to me.Why did you tell him about the argument with Jake?Because I’m obviously an idiot.
“Nick...Ireallydon’t want to do this, okay? Those are the last words I want to hear from myboyfriend.” The least comforting guy I know.
“To be honest, Leia, I really don’t care what you don’t want to do. I’ve told you.Multipletimes. Guys like him are not guys you have asfriends.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m allowed to be friends with whoever I want to be friends with.” I’m tired of him micromanaging my social life. “Besides...we’re not friends anymore anyway. I told him to never talk to me again.”
I don’t know if I want a benefits thing or if I just want a one-night stand.I don’t know why it bothered me as much as it did when he said that. It only reinforced the view I had of him anyway.
“Good. He’s an asshole.”You can talk.
Jake may be an asshole, but Nick still hasn’t told me what he was doing last night before coming to the party. He’s been acting so odd lately. It’s normal that he flirts with girls in front of my face, but he’s usually more apologetic about it. Lately, he hasn’t apologized about the attention he gets from girls. Whether it’s at the beach or while I’m watching him at practice, he just doesn’t seem to give a shit anymore.
“ never told me where you were last night. Why didn’t you tell me practice was canceled yesterday?” This stops him in his tracks. Up until now, he’s been folding clothes and putting them in his dresser. “What were you doing before you came to the party?”
He’s still for a few minutes and turned away from me, so I can’t see what his expression is right now. But I can take a wild guess.
“Leia,” he sighs before he continues. “Why are you asking me this? I was at the bar with friends. I needed to let loose. It’d been a while since I had a good beer.”The bar with friends.The night before a cross country meet. Thefirstcross country meet of the season. Nick is usually more proactive and responsible. I’d believe him if I didn’t know how he was.
“Right, sorry,” I try.
He just gives me a small smile as he leans forward and kisses me on my forehead.
“Have you been all right lately, babe? You seem...distant.”
I want to laugh.Iseem distant? That’s laughable.
“I’ve just been stressed with classes and practice lately. I have a lot on my plate right now. Freshman year, right?” He gives me another small smile and kisses me.
“You need me to take your mind off of it?” He kisses me again. And again. And again. This time, he reaches for my button-up. “Baby, when will you let me in here?” He softly cups my center. Normally, I’d be turned on. But he just seems ingenuine right now.
“Nick...I’m just not feeling it right now.”
This annoys him. He lets go of me completely and gives me a glare.
“No one is this freaking hard up, Leia.”
I flinch at that. “Why areyouso eager? You haven’t even been asking me for sex lately.Nowyou want it all of a sudden? To ‘take my mind off things’?” It’s becoming pathetic, how pushy he’s being about this.
“Because you’re mygirlfriend. People usually have sex when they’re in a serious relationship, Leia, if you weren’t aware of that fact.” I can’t stop the tears forming in my eyes. He’s such an ass.So basically, Jake Larson was right?Rolling my eyes at this thought, I get up from Nick’s bed. “Where are you going?”
Away from you.“I’m going back to my dorm. I need to do homework.”
“You can do homework here.”
“No, Nick. I need to bealone. Away from you.” I don’t understand how he can’t get a clue.
“Leia, what the hell is wrong with you?”
“You!” I blurt out, causing him to flinch. “Youare what’s wrong with me. I want to get away, but you can’t make that happen. You keep micromanaging my life, and I’msickof it. I’m not the little girl you met freshman year of high school, Nick. I can make my own decisions.”
He just stares at me in shock. There, I said it.
“You can make your own decisions? Decisions like associating yourself with a loser like Jake Larson?”