Page 49 of King Larson
You shouldn’t be chasing her at all. She’s your friend, which means she’s not obligated to let you know of her whereabouts.
I’m suddenly annoyed with my voice of reason. I hate that it’s right most of the time. Something about her is just scary to me. I shouldn’t care this much about her. And yet, she’s all I’ll be able to think about.
NICK: Leia, baby, please text me back.
This is probably the tenth text Nick has tried to send me over the week. I should’ve blocked his number by now. But I just can’t bring myself to do it. I want him to explain himself...but then I also don’t. I’m not sure that I’ll like what I’ll hear.Nick Swanson can choke.
Annoyed with my thoughts, I join Taya and Sarah at the back booth at the bar.
Today is a girl’s day. Do not waste it on him.
I feel content with settling with that. I slide into the booth, and the girls greet me.
“We’re so glad to see you finally leave campus, Leia,” Sarah says excitedly.
“How do you feel?”
Honestly? Like shit. But I’m not here to talk to them about that.
“I feel a bit better. I’ve just been focused on schoolwork and practice this week. It was the only way to get my mind off of things.”
It also kind of sucked being alone this week. Jake usually helps me with homework and projects, but I’ve been ignoring him too. I know I shouldn’t, but talking to him won’t make things better. He texted me once last week, and that was it. I just wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.
“Would you feel better if we saw a movie?”
I think about it for a second. It’s been forever since I’vereallyhad a day out. It’s been forever since I’ve spent time with my girls. All the drama with Larson and Nick for the last three months has been stressful. I think I just need some time away from them.
“Yeah, that would be nice actually. Tomorrow night?”
Sarah nods, but Taya has a look of concern.
“Sorry, girls. Tomorrow night, I actually have a date with Hunter.”
I gape at her. Kill me with fire. “You’re seriously dating Hunter Rosen?” I was hoping it was just a phase.
“Well...sort of? I don’t know, he asked me to go to his game tomorrow night.”
Shit. Tomorrow night’s the hockey game. I haven’t been to one before. But I’m not sure if I’d want to go to one on campus. Especially if Jake Larson is playing.Of course he is playing, he’s team captain.
Sighing, I just let it go. “Fine, we can go another night then.” I really don’t want this drama right now. If she wants to date Hunter Rosen, then so be it.
“Wait, Leia...wouldyoulike to go to the hockey game?”
I felt that coming. I shouldn’t have come out today. I just wanted to talk about us, not the hockey gods that walk the campus. But it seems like I can never escape.
“No, I don’t want to intrude. Hunter invited you to the game.”
“It’s no problem, love. Besides...Jake might want to see you. Hunter told me he’s been in a weird place since he hasn’t heard from you.”
I only sigh. There’s no way Jake could miss me. It’s been aweek. I look to Sarah to hop in, but she’s too busy slurping on her smoothie, purposefully ignoring the conversation.Curse her.I think about Jake. Has he really been upset that I haven’t gotten back to him? I didn’t realize it was that important.
“If I go tomorrow night, Sarah has to go too.” I look at Sarah, who finally pipes up.
“Me? Oh no, I can’t go to a hockey game.” I give her a look of confusion. “You guys have people you can talk to at those games.I’mvirtually an alien in the world of hockey.”
She has a point, but Sarah would fit in really well. In fact, SarahandTaya would fit in really well in that world.