Page 55 of King Larson
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I said it. I fucking said it to her.
I told her I wanted her. I told her I wanted her while she was under the fucking influence, and now I feel like an idiot.
But don’t you feel better, now that you told her?
I can’t lie and say that I don’t feel better. I feelphenomenalafter telling her. It’s late at night, but I can’t help but thinkThank you, God, formaking her receptive to my declaration.
I brought her up to my room soon after our small discussion outside. We’re trying it out. I couldn’t lie and pretend to be alright with being her friend. Seeing her with Nick bothered me, and the only way to fix the issue was to just tell her how I feel. I know she’s attracted to me, and I know for damn sure I’m attracted to her, so there’s no point in dancing around it.
She’s walking—well,stumbling—out of my bathroom after a shower, wearing one of my oversized T-shirts. Gosh, she’s beautiful. And I fucking love seeing her in one of my tees. I’m almost tempted to pick her up and throw her on my bed, but I can’t do that. I promised to give her time to think about seeing each other. No matter how painful it will be to wait to hear her answer, I will give her that time.
She gives me a small smile before putting her hair up. “Thank you for letting me use your shower. I know I probably smelled like shit after the bar,” she tries to joke.
“You’re fine, love. You’re welcome to use anything of mine. Come lie down.” I’m already in bed, ready to sleep. It’s been a long night after the game. We won a big game right before our European conference next week; I had a pissing contest with an annoying teenage boy; and I told the girl I can’t stop thinking about that I want her and only her. I’d say it’s time for bed. And going to bed with her in it would make my night so much better.
She hops in bed, inching to the other side. Yeah, fuck that. I snuggle her close, and she slowly eases into me. I can’t help the smile that’s on my face.
“It’s been one hour and you’re already staking your claim,” she jokes. I laugh into her hair. She feels so good in my arms. Almosttoogood.
“This is the first time we’ve slept in bed together, Allie. Let me have this.”
She chuckles. I’ve been waiting for this for almost three months, and I’m taking every opportunity I can to be close to her. “Sweet dreams, Larson,” she whispers.
“Sweet dreams, Allie.” It’s probably another ten minutes before she’s officially sound asleep in my arms.
I’m suddenly brought back to reality as I wake up and find Leia on top of me, kissing around my face, looking like every fantasy I’ve had for the last year.
“Leia,” I try without sounding how I feel with her on top of me. “What are you doing?”
She’s kissing down my jaw and suddenly settles on my lips. Shit. “You taste really good, Larson,” she says, not stopping her pursuit across my face.
“Babe, I don’t think you want to do this.” She must be asleep. Shehasto be asleep.
“Stop talking,” she says, straddling me more as she moves up my body. It’s a full struggle to finally reach the lamp as she giggles and slides slightly off of me.
“Leia, baby, you’re gonna wake up in the morning and not remember this whole thing.” I can’t tell if she’s still tipsy or sleepwalking.
“Not true.” Her words are mumbled as she moves to my neck, lining a string of kisses on my neck. I can’t help the groan that comes out. “I can’t forget you, Jake. You’re all I’ve been able to think about. Now that I have you alone? This is meant to be.” Holy hell. I’d really be into this if she were fully awake.
“Allie, I really need you to get off of me.” But I also really need her to stay on top of me.
“But why?” She suddenly stops and looks down at me. “Am I a bad kisser?” That question throws me off guard. She’s so fucking innocent.
“No, baby, it’s not that. It’s just’ll regret this in the morning. And I don’t want to feel shitty because I let you kiss me in your sleep.”
She has those big doe eyes as she peers down at me. I expect her to get upset or leave. But yet again she surprises me by smiling and laying another kiss on my lips before saying, “Okay.”
With that, she snuggles to me again, and I try to figure out what the hell just happened.
Getting hit by a truck 2.0. That seems to be the story of my life lately.
I can’t suppress the groan as I wake up, rubbing my eyes. The shades are drawn, and I’m wearing an oversized tee. Something I’d never wear to bed. Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember was agreeing to date Jake Larson.
Jake Larson. The guy of my dreams told me he’s into me. I remember being so happy and thankful that he dropped me off at my dorm...I think?