Page 59 of King Larson
“That’s okay, Nick’s coming to pick me up.” Frowning, I pull back and am greeted by her smiling yet mocking face. “Gotcha.”
Growling, I squeeze her ass, making her yelp and hit my chest. She tries to do it again, but I grab her and flip her over so she’s on top of me.
“What’s your fascination with my ass?”
I lean up to kiss her lips again. “You meanmyass.” I give it another hearty squeeze. Fuck, these babies are perfect.
“Har. Nice try, Larson.”
She moves my hands, and I move them back. “It’s a nice one, babe.”
“You’re cute.”
“I know, babe. Every girl does.”
Rolling her eyes, she tries to get up. But I pull her back down. “You’re so cocky,” she says, struggling out of my grip.
She’s not getting away that easily. I only smile at her struggle.
“I’m gonna try this again: Stay over tonight.”
She huffs a defeated sigh before she looks down at me. She lies down on my chest now as she mumbles. “Practice is over at 6 p.m..”
I can barely contain my smile. “I’m glad we got that settled.”
I reach up for another kiss and forget what the hell we were talking about in the first place.