Page 7 of King Larson
Confusion etches her face. “Yeah, of course I’ll be there.”
“Then we’ll be there too.” Her smile brightens at my sad attempt of flirting. She’s about to say something when Little Lord Fauntleroy walks up beside her.
“What’s happening over here?”
“Just getting to know your girl. She’s a pretty good party promoter, my friend.” Brock, the ultimate savage.
Her guy friend’s face grows agitated as he looks at us.
“Leia, that’s okay. You’ve promoted enough today.”
“She’llpromoteas much as she wants,” I argue.
He glares at me, and I stare back. This pissing contest is so fucking dumb. We’re fighting about the girl promoting a damn party. But it’s more than that. She’s a prize, all right. But something’s off with this guy.
She just simply looks between us, confused.
“It’s okay. Nick’s right, I should probably head off. I have practice in a few, anyway,” she says, turning and heading back to her table. I can’t help but admire the perfect globes that are her ass.Godare they perfect.
“Are you done ogling her ass?”
Rolling my eyes at the nuisance in front of me, I glare at him. “I will never be done ogling it,bro.” My teammates snicker.
He just grows angrier. “Look, I don’t know what your deal is with Leia, but she’s not some tissue you can just use and throw away.” I cock an eyebrow. Did he really just compare her to tissue? What does she see in this guy?
“Dude, go be lame somewhere else,” Hunter says. Nick begins walking away, and I finally feel at peace. Until I let my asshole show.
“Hey, Nick.” He turns around and looks at me expectantly. “Tell Leia to wear something tight Friday night.Perfectfor ogling, dude.” He growls and walks back to the table. The guys laugh, and I feel accomplished.
“The ultimate asshole thatisKing Larson,” Brock jokes.
“You guys ready for some summer fun?”
The guys smiling tells me everything I need to know.