Page 13 of Committed
Yelling and footsteps reached his ears, and he held Arielle as tight as he could. He’d die protecting her.
“Laz! Laz!”
“You two stay with him.”
“Partial plate.”
“Angelo is chasing after the car on foot.”
Relief flooded through Laz, knowing that his guys were there. Everyone talked at once. He opened his eyes, but his world was spinning. All he could do was hold onto his baby.
“Laz? Dammit. It looks like he took at least one to the shoulder,” someone said.
“EMTs are on their way,” came another voice.
Laz jerked and almost lost it when someone put their hands on him and tried to pry Arielle out of his arms. She started screaming, burying her face into his neck, and he felt her hot tears against his skin.
Laz held her tighter.
“No!” he yelled, but he didn’t hear his own voice. “No,” he said again.
“Come on, Laz, it’s Ham. You gotta let her go so I can check you both out.”
“No,” Laz bit out. Pain along the left side of his body had him gritting his teeth when a somewhat blurry Hamilton came into view.
“Laz, you gotta work with me, man. Let Arielle go.”
“I can’t.” Laz felt himself fading. He couldn’t hang on. “My wife…Journey. I need…her.”
That was his last thought before everything faded to black.