Page 26 of Committed
“Like hell she is,” he roared. “Plans have changed.”
Journey moved closer to him, and herI’m-not-taking-your-shit-tonightdemeanor was fully in place. He loved this woman like crazy, and she was sexy as hell when she was angry. Any other time, he could appreciate the can of verbal whoop-ass she was about to unleash, but he wasn’t in the mood.
“I know you’ve been through hell today,” she said with controlled fury, “but what you’re not going to do is come in here and start telling me how things are going to be.”
From his peripheral, Laz saw the moment when Kenton and Angelo eased into the living room, which was probably for the best. He had a feeling this argument was going to blow up at any minute.
“I’m done talking to you.” Laz started up the stairs to their bedroom.
“Good, then you can do the listening,” Journey said, stomping up the stairs and shoving past him. “I’ll meet you in the bedroom.”
A smart man would do a one-eighty and head back down the stairs, but Laz never claimed to be smart. He wasn’t in the mood for a drag-down blowout with Journey, but it was safe to say that’s exactly what was about to happen.
“You want an update before you go and face the firing squad?” Parker asked from behind him.
Laz turned to his friend, who was leaning his shoulder against the wall near the bottom step as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
Parker had moved to Atlanta from Chicago, hired by Supreme, and was assigned to theAtlanta’s Finestteam a couple of years ago. The former SWAT officer fit in perfectly. He was one of the youngest ones in the group, a weapons specialist, and essentially fearless. The man had nerves of steel, and Laz loved having him on the team.
“You got something and didn’t tell me?” Laz asked as he walked back down the few steps he’d taken. “Tell me you found the bastards.”
“Haven’t found them yet, and I’m not sure what Ham has already filled you in on. So, some of this might be a repeat,” Parker said.
Laz hadn’t been in a good head space, so he didn’t know much about what happened after he was rushed to the hospital. Yes, he’d wanted to know who the hell had shot at him, but earlier, he hadn’t been ready to hear anything. His number-one focus had been on finding Journey.
“Angelo chased after the car on foot. He wasn’t able to get close enough to get the license plate number, but he did get a partial plate off the car,”
“Did he tell Ted?” Laz asked.
Parker shook his head. “Nope. He knew you’d want to stay ahead of the cops on this.”
There was nothing more special than having people in your life who knew you well. This situation was going to be tricky, especially since Nazir had been killed. The cops would be all over the case, trying to piece the events together and find Nazir’s killer.
Laz didn’t want anyone getting in trouble for withholding evidence, but the men of Supreme Security knew what to hold back and what to share with the detectives.
“Wiz is doing a search based on the make and model of the car, as well as the partial plate. Last I heard, he’d found over three hundred possibilities, but he assured Ham that he’ll narrow the list down.”
Laz nodded. Cameron “Wiz” Miller was one of the owners of Supreme Security-Chicago and their go-to person for all things technology. The man was a computer guru and a hacker extraordinaire. What he could do with technology was mind-blowing, and he was constantly developing something new that could help them with their jobs—such as GPS devices for the women in their lives. All of the wives had a piece of jewelry that held a GPS chip.
Which reminds me….
“Do you guys have Journey’s watch?”
“Yeah, Kenton got it from her, but not without a fight.” Parker laughed. “When he asked for it, she refused to give it to him.”
Laz frowned. “Why?”
“Well, it happened after they found her, and he read her the riot act for not having her phone on. Anyway, she wasn’t giving it up at first. It wasn’t until he assured her that Wiz just wanted to update the GPS device that she finally handed it over.”
Damn. “That’s on me,” Laz said.
Journey thought he no longer wanted her protected: that he didn’t care—which wasn’t the case at all. If anything, he wanted double security on her, at least until they knew who or what they were dealing with.
“One more thing,” Parker said, all humor erased from his face as he pushed away from the wall.
Laz braced himself for whatever was coming next. “What?”
“Ashton dug into Nazir’s background, talked to his employer, and stopped by his apartment that he shared with a roommate. Everyone had only good things to say about him. We were going to keep digging to ensure we ruled him out as the target, but….”
“But?” Laz prompted, anxiousness slowly building inside his body as he waited for Parker to continue.
His friend stared him in the eyes, and his jaw was clenched tight enough to crack his teeth. “We just got word that there was a tracker under the back bumper of your truck. You were the target, Laz.”