Page 28 of Committed
“Besides, if we’re going to find these people who came after you, wouldn’t it be better if our daughter was someplace safe?” She needed him to know that she was in complete support of him hunting these assholes down. “Wewon’t be able to do that if we’re worrying about and shuffling Arielle around this week.”
Laz lifted his head slightly, and his gaze finally met hers and held. Her heart turned over in her chest as she stared into his eyes that were no longer shooting daggers at her.
“What do you mean,we?” he asked. “I don’t want you anywhere near this situation.”
“Well, since I already know that you’re not going to let the cops handle this case, I’m going to do whatever I can to help you. Just let me know if the DA’s office can be of assistance…legally, that is.”
He didn’t respond.
It was a shame she had to add that last part, but with her husband, it was necessary. His intentions were always good, but Laz could be a loose cannon at times when he was determined to set something right.
“Also, you’re going to break Arielle’s heart if she can’t go to Disney World. Lastly, I don’t want you staying at Supreme and leaving me here by myself.”
“You won’t be by yourself.”
“You know what I mean. How will it look you sleeping at Supreme and me here?”
“Journey, I don’t give a damn how it looks. I need space.”
“From me,” she said more as a statement than a question. “Leaving me is not going to fix anything.”
She blew out a frustrated breath. “Well, at least stay here tonight. You need some rest before you get to work.”
A soft, familiar knock sounded on their bedroom door.
“Mommy.” Arielle’s sweet little voice floated through the door before she knocked again.
After getting caught naked one too many times by their daughter, who insisted on walking into their room at the most inopportune times, they’d had to set some rules. She wasn’t allowed to step into the room, even if the door was open, without asking permission. It had taken time, patience, and a few tears—not just Arielle’s—for her to finally learn.
“Mommy, Daddy, I want to come in.”
“Come in, baby,” Journey said.
Arielle ran in and wrapped her arms around Journey’s legs, almost knocking her over.
Journey picked her up and placed kisses all over her face. “Hey, my sweet girl. How are you?”
“Good. Me and Collin going to Disney World!” Her bright eyes, so much like Laz’s, were sparkling with excitement. Then she saw her father sitting across the room. “Daddy!” She squealed. “Down, Mommy. I—I want…get down.”
Journey set her on her feet, and Arielle took off across the room but stopped short before reaching Laz.
“Daddy hurt?” she asked in a small voice and seemed scared to move forward.
“Come here, sweetie,” Laz said sleepily and stretched out his arm to her.
Arielle went but kept her gaze on the sling that his other arm was in.
Laz slowly lifted her onto his lap and kissed her. “Where you been?”
“Grandma gave me and Collin chicken nuggets.”
“Were they good?” he asked.
Her head bobbed up and down. “Papa taking me to see Prin—Princess Tiana. I’m going to have fun!”
Journey was worried about their child’s mental health and how the shooting might’ve affected her. At the moment, Arielle seemed like her usual animated self.