Page 41 of Committed
Breathing hard, Journey’s eyes were half-closed as she struggled to get air, then she dropped her forehead onto his shoulder. Laz hissed from the pain before he could stop himself. She quickly lifted her head and turned startled eyes to him.
“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry,” she said in a rush and started to get up, but he kept her in place with his hand on her thigh. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, but we’re not done yet.” He clumsily tried readjusting beneath her so he could free himself from his pants. He needed to be inside of her. “This fucking sling. I’m about to rip this…. Dammit, I hate not being able to touch you the way I want to. Maybe we should move to the bed.”
“Not yet. Sit tight.” Journey lifted slightly. She helped slide the waistband of his pants down, freeing his throbbing dick. “Now…where were we?”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond, and Laz inhaled sharply when she lowered herself onto his shaft, never breaking eye contact.
He loved when she took charge, and right now, he was at her mercy as she slid slowly up and down his length. Her interior walls tightened around him, holding him, squeezing him as she showed off just how much muscle control she had. He planned to let her have her way with him.
As if reading his mind, a slow smile spread across her lips, and she picked up speed. He wanted to touch and hold her with both hands as she rode his dick, moving faster and harder, and making him go deeper. Her breast bounced against his chest, sending even more pleasure pulsing through his body.
“Oh…you feel so damn good,” he murmured.
Heat hurtled up his spine as he pumped into her, holding her tight with one hand to keep her close as he went deeper. The chair squeaked under their weight, but he was too far gone to care how noisy it was.
“Ah, yeah, baby,” he said. Their moves became more powerful and frantic, and Laz tightened his hold around her as he thrust into her harder and faster. “That’s it. That’s it. That’s…ahhh, shit….” A hot flood of passion stormed through his body, rocking him to his core and sending him careening over the edge of control. Journey was right there with him as they came together.
They collapsed against each other. Their chests heaved as they struggled to get air into their lungs.
Journey rested against him, and Laz ignored the pain throbbing through his upper body. He kissed the side of her sweat-slick forehead. “I know I say it all the time, but I’ll never be able to get enough of you. But the next time we make love, the sling comes off.”
She sputtered a laugh. “Well, considering you were working with one hand, I’m impressed by your skills.”
After getting cleaned up in the bathroom, they finally climbed into bed. Journey laid on his good side and snuggled against him. Within minutes, she was sound asleep.
Laz’s stomach growled, reminding him he still hadn’t eaten the food she had brought with her. But his exhaustion outweighed his hunger, which was his last thought before he finally drifted off to sleep.
A low buzzing stoked Laz awake, and he eased his eyes open. He laid there in the darkness for a few minutes, wondering where the noise was coming from. It stopped, but the moment he closed his eyes again, it started back up.
My phone.
Glad he had moved both devices to the bedside table, he reached over, careful not to wake Journey. If it hadn’t been the burner phone ringing, he would’ve let the call go to voicemail. But there were only a couple of people who had the telephone number, and no way could he ignore the call.
Laz scooped up the device. “Yeah,” he said, slowly sitting up on the side of the bed.
“I got something for you,” C-Dogg’s deep voice boomed through the phone line, sounding like Barry White.
Laz made his way to the bathroom to talk. “Whatcha got?”
“A few guys at Fat Mack’s bar were heard bragging about a shooting the other day. They’re a couple of bangers, and I’m a hundred percent sure they’re who you’re looking for. The stupid assholes were debating on which one got off the most shots.”
“I need a name,” Laz said roughly, his body tightening with rage. He wanted revenge for himself and justice for Nazir, and he planned to get both.
“Shaggy and Baldy,” C-Dogg said. “I think Baldy’s real name is something like Benny or Henny Madison, but I’m not sure. I do know he lives somewhere in Riverdale. I’ll keep digging, but—”
“Don’t worry. I’ll find them,” Laz promised.
Years ago, Atlanta PD had started a database with names of local thugs and gang members. Included were their given and street names. Laz no longer had contacts on the police force who he could call for a favor, but Ashton did.
“One more thing,” C-Dogg said. “They think you’re dead.”
Laz nodded. Anticipation boiled inside of him.
“Good,” he said. “They’re going to find out that I’m very much alive.”