Page 52 of Committed
Journey laid her head back against the bath pillow and closed her eyes. Soft jazz filled the bathroom, candles flickered from every flat surface, and she savored the calming feeling of the bubble bath that Laz had surprised her with.
Heaven.That’s what it was. Pure heaven.
They had renovated their huge master bathroom when they purchased the home a few years ago. Now it had all the luxuries—heated floors, marbled tile, a double-wide steam shower, a glorious, free-standing tub big enough for two, and the list went on. Still, she could count on one hand how often she got to soak in her tub.
That was just depressing. She worked her ass off every day, made an amazing living, and didn’t make time to enjoy the fruits of her labor.
“That’s going to change,” she mumbled to herself, meaning every word.
She had arrived home tonight from work at exactly six o’clock. It was sad that she couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten home before eight. Even then, she often brought work with her, but not tonight. Laz had been adamant that their date night be a work-free zone, and she was all for it.
Instead of eating dinner right away as she had expected, he’d had a snack prepared for her. Cheesecake bites. She smiled at the memory. He’d insisted that she deserved to have dessert before dinner, and all she could do was laugh at the idea. Even as an adult, she had difficulty allowing herself to eat dessert first. It had been an ongoing joke between them.
Sighing, Journey settled deeper into the warm water and bubbles that stopped just below her chin. Immediately, her thoughts went to the conversation with Marta.
Tamar Warner accepting bribes?
It didn’t make sense. Journey still couldn’t wrap her brain around that, assuming Marta was telling the truth, and that was a big assumption. The woman had lied more than once after her coworker was killed. Who was to say she wasn’t lying now?
But why would she lie? What would she have to gain by saying Tamar—a city councilwoman loved by the people of Atlanta—was accepting bribes?
Then again, when it came to Tamar, anything was possible. The woman was condescending, entitled, and definitely the jealous type. She’d also do whatever she had to do to win at anything, but Journey had never known her to break the law. Heck, the woman knew the law better than anyone.
Journey eased her eyes open as a thought occurred to her. “Which also means she’d know how to break it without getting caught.”
Then there was Marta.
Journey shook her head and let her eyes drift close again.
After questioning the woman and wanting to believe what she was sharing, Journey had arranged for a squad car to sit outside of Marta’s house temporarily. At least for a couple of days until she could find proof to prove the woman’s claims. If what she told them was true, Journey could make the case that protective custody was needed, seeing Marta would be a key witness.
And if her claims about Tamar were correct, the Feds would have to be notified. A public figure accepting a bribe was a federal offense.
What a mess.
Journey might not like Tamar, but she hated thinking that the woman would risk everything…and for what? A few dollars? Favors? If the accusation was correct, not only could she kiss her job and the possibility of becoming a US Senator goodbye, but she could also expect to spend some time in jail.
Oh, no. Tony….
“Jay? Tell me you didn’t fall asleep,” Laz said from somewhere in the bathroom, and Journey smiled.
She opened her eyes just as he sat on the upholstered stool next to the tub.
“I think I love you,” she said wistfully, feeling totally relaxed despite the route her mind had taken.
Laz laughed. “Well, I should hope so since you’re stuck with me.”
He kissed her lips, then boldly cupped her breast, caressing and teasing her pert nipple. Journey couldn’t stop the moan from slipping through. His nearness and his touch had desire swirling inside her, and her head fell back against the bath pillow.
This man. This sweet, sexy, badass man knew how to turn her on.
“I came in here to tell you that dinner is ready, but now that I’m here, I’m thinking maybe I should help you relax a little more before we eat.”
He slipped his hand into the water. Like a heat-seeking missile, he found his way to the apex of her thighs. Journey sucked in a breath and arched her back when he slipped a finger inside her. Between his thumb and fingers touching, teasing, pinching, and basically driving her crazy, she couldn’t help squirming in the water.
“Goodness. You were right the other day when you said there’s a lot you can do with one hand,” she said with a nervous laugh. “Or maybe I said it. Ohh….”