Page 64 of Possession (The Mate Games 3)
“It’s not that easy to turn on and off. Not yet anyway. He just sort of takes over and doesn’t go away until the rage runs its course. I’m pretty sure you’d hate it. You despise being out of control.”
“I don’t know. It sounds pretty great to me.”
I shrugged, looking away from the boats and back to my brother. “Then perhaps you should be the one to return to Ravenscroft and see the year to its end.”
His brow furrowed. “What would that accomplish?”
“The attacks on the school awakened my berserker. It stands to reason my twin would react the same when threatened. No one would know the difference.”
His eyes, so like mine, glittered with interest. “You would be okay staying behind?”
I shrugged again, even as something tightened in my gut at the thought of not returning. “I don’t see why not. There wasn’t anything special for me there. Maybe Cora’s insights were pointing toward the berserker coming out. What else is left for me?”
“If I can convince Finley to open a portal...”
I shook my head. “Fin’s not here.”
Disappointment filled his face. He really wanted his chance to leave Novasgard.
“I suppose you could always use the gateway...”
He sat up a little straighter. “It would be a challenge to travel by mortal means, but if you think it's important that you not go missing and finish out the terms of your assignment, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make on your behalf.”
“Oh, you are so noble. On my behalf?” The sarcasm dripped from my words.
“I’m nothing if not noble.”
I snorted. “I’m glad you buy into your own bullshit. Someone has to.”
He grinned. “If you can’t be your own number one fan...”
I laughed. “Your ego is truly limitless. How do you manage to walk through doorways?”
“The same way you do. Dick first.”
“I guess it does tend to lead the way.”
Standing, the two of us began the trek back home, but I really didn’t feel any lighter.
“So, brother, are there any girls at this school worth taking for a tumble? What about the one you pledged yourself to protect?”
I thought of Moira, but Tor didn’t have the right equipment to give her what she needed. And the only other one who came to mind was the valkyrie. Honestly, I hadn’t paid much attention to any of the females at Ravenscroft. I frowned. That wasn’t like me at all.
“Not really, but there is a club made for mischief. I’m sure even you could manage to have a good time there.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes,Iniquity. It’s run by a succubus. Dark corners, private rooms, and creatures of all kinds looking for trouble.”
“Intriguing.” He tossed his beefy arm over my shoulder. “Sounds like you enjoyed your time there more than you’re letting on.”
My frown deepened. It sounded like exactly the kind of thing I would revel in, but I couldn’t recall taking part in anything more than the alcohol. What the hell had gotten into me? I wasn’t some celibate priest. I was born for mischief. It was my sacred domain. How had I forgotten that?
“Maybe that’s why you lost it. Your berserker was sexually frustrated.”
I didn’t feel like I’d gone without. In fact, that was the last thing on my mind. “I’m not sure. Perhaps I was just preoccupied with all the demon attacks.”
“Demonattacks? This is the first time you’ve mentioned any demons.”
“Well, if you’re going to go in my stead, I suppose I should share what I know so you’re prepared for what you might be walking into.”
Tor’s eyes sparked with excitement. “In that case, brother, let’s take the long way home.”