Page 5 of Ruthless Games
My marriage may be a sham,but after a few days, I start to notice that the ring on my finger comes with a few benefits. Nero finally relaxes his tight leash.
The man has been suspicious and tracking my whereabouts as much as possible since I was brought to New York. But it seems that he thinks there isn’t much to worry about now that I’m his wife. He has a point. I’m tied to him now, whether I like it or not. Our fates are intertwined.
That doesn’t change the fact that he’s been ignoring me for days. I’ve been sleeping in a lavish bedroom down the hall from the primary suite, ignoring him as he comes and goes. And he’s repaid me the favor, barely speaking a word to me, even when we pass in the hall. I’ve still got a driver and full access to Nero’s credit cards, so I still can go through the motions of a regular routine. That means lunches with old friends like Marissa, shopping, and even going to the spa.
We’re like roommates.
Incredibly twisted, toxic roommates, who still have an inconvenient chemistry between them, threatening to spark to life at every turn.
At least I have my art. This big townhouse has plenty of space, and it only took one quick walk-through of the home to choose a room on the third floor as my new art studio. It’s a large, open space near the back of the house with French doors leading to a rooftop terrace. Nero doesn’t venture up here, so it’s been my sanctuary, and I spend most of my days shut away up here, losing myself in the color and light of my creations, trying to ignore the ugly reality lurking just outside the doors.
But I can’t ignore it forever.
I look up in surprise to see Nero in the kitchen as I wander in, barefoot. I’m not much of an early riser, and he’s usually gone by the time I leave my room. So seeing him sitting at the table with a toasted bagel in front of him, sipping on a cup of black coffee, immediately puts me on edge.
Something’s up.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, pausing in the doorway.
“I live here.” He barely glances at me as he speaks, and I sigh.
“You know what I mean.”
“Sit down, honey,” he says, putting a sickly sweet emphasis on that last word.
He’s enjoying this.
Instead of obeying immediately, I go to the pantry and grab a box of cereal. I take my time filling a bowl and adding milk, a small act of defiance against my dear husband.
He’s patient, which irritates me. I feel like I’ve lost all the power in this relationship, like I can’t get under his skin anymore, but his cold aloofness is driving me crazy.
I lean against the kitchen island and start eating, deciding to wait for him to speak.
“We’re going to throw a party, here.” he says, and I look over at him in surprise.
His signature smirk makes an appearance.
“A celebration of our marriage. Oh, and the real estate deal going through. That’s worth celebrating as well. McKenna officially voted yes. The plans are being fast-tracked. There’s nothing left in my path.”
I exhale. “Congratulations.”
He looks at me like I’m being sarcastic, but to my surprise, my words are genuine. “You worked hard enough to make it happen,” I give him a careless shrug to cover it. “Kidnapping, blackmail, extortion… I just hope it’s worth it.”
His lips curl in a smile. “Oh, it will be. I’ve been getting quotes from real estate guys… Once the land is redeveloped, it’ll be worth billions.”
No wonder he’ll stop at nothing to be rid of any threat.
“So, a party.” I slurp my cereal. “Fine. Whatever.”
“You’ll need to plan it,” he says. “I want no expense spared. I’m making a statement.”