Page 5 of Submit
The only thing just as good as controlling Stellan in the bedroom was watching him take control of another sub. The natural dominance in Stellan’s actions made him just as hard as when he submitted to Dietrich.
The way Stellan obeyed him so easily made their pairing explosive. At thirty-nine, he was only five years younger than Dietrich. And what started off as just a mutual pairing of both of them wanting sexual pleasure had turned into a deep, meaningful relationship.
He had a feeling Miss Winters wouldn’t be such an easy sub as his lover was, but that was okay because when they did break her and she became theirs irrevocably, there wouldn’t be anything sweeter in the world.
Chapter Three
Three hours later, Blythe was completely packed and had papers strewn across her bed as she ate takeout from the box. Her cell was pressed between her ear and shoulder as she picked up one schedule, memorized it, and moved on to the next.
“Mom, it isn’t like I’m going to the moon. It’s only a business trip for four weeks, and I’m not even entirely sure it will be that long.”
Her mother’s sigh was so loud Blythe pulled the cell away from her ear. “I don’t know why you agree to these short-term jobs. You should go back to school and finish your degree. It just doesn’t make any sense.” It was Blythe’s turn to sigh.
“Mom, we’ve gone over this. My degree was for dance, and since I clearly can’t do that anymore, what is the point of continuing?” Blythe wasn’t about to tell her mother that even the thought of dancing had her stomach cramping. One would think that years after an accident she could move on, but the time didn’t make anything easier.
“I just think you should do something more productive than being a temp.”
Blythe rolled her eyes even though her mom couldn’t see her. This conversation was a broken record every time she called home. “Yeah, well, I guess life goes this way for some people.”
Blythe wasn’t about to get into this with her again.
“Maybe I’ll start school again in the spring. I’ll think about it, but can you please not bring it up every time we talk?” Her mom started rambling on about the poor dirt quality in her backyard when Blythe had to cut her off. Clearly her mother tuned her out once again. “Listen, I’ve got a lot to do before tomorrow, so I’m going to let you go. I’ll bring my cell, so I’ll check in.” After she hung up, she dialed Austin, her best friend and the only person she could bitch at.
She held the phone between her ear and shoulder again and resumed memorizing. Austin answered right before she was sure voicemail would have picked up.
“So, how was it?” Austin’s deep voice came through the receiver. There was the sound of sheets rustling and then a low, masculine murmur that was most definitely not Austin.
“I’m not going to get into it if you’re busy.” Blythe could just imagine how “busy” Austin was. Her best friend was gay, but with that being said, he was also the most attractive and intelligent man she knew.
He was also proud of who he was and didn’t give a shit what anyone else said about him. Most people thought he was straight with the way his deep voice would have any woman dropping her panties or the fact he always had a hand on her, but of course, their relationship wasn’t like that.
They had known each other for the past three years, had even met through the same temp agency. The two of them had hit it off and become friends right away. Now, Austin was the only person whom she could rely on and who would never judge her, not even when she told him some of her more sordid secrets. Ones she was humiliated by.
“Sweets, I am never too busy for you. Besides,” the sound of a muffled moan had her crinkling her nose. “I’ve already taken care of Brody.”
“Good grief, Austin.” Blythe leaned against her headboard and breathed out.
“Sorry. So tell me how it went.”
“Good, I suppose. I knew this whole gig was last minute, but I didn’t realize how quickly everything would move.”
“What do you mean?”
Blythe told Austin everything, right down to the trip overseas tomorrow and her incredible, hot, new boss.
“Damn. I wish I was going instead of you. Dietrich Moore is one helluva man.” She certainly couldn’t deny that. “How do you plan on getting anything done when you’re going to be close to him like that?”
“Hell if I know.” They talked for a few more minutes, and she promised to call him as soon as she landed, no matter what time it was.
She was going to have a long night if she planned on knowing everything there was to know about The Bear.