Page 6 of Hunting the Alpha
“Grace, I can’t accept this,” I said to the sweet mechanic who’d done all she could to make me feel welcome since my arrival in Moonlight Creek.
The town had surprised me by how modern, and big it looked, hidden among the trees. How had they kept this place quiet? Surely airplanes and satellites in the sky must know of its existence?
Looks like someone has enough money to grease a few hands.
“Nonsense,” Grace replied to my guilt-whines. “The part isn’t due in for a few days. I’ll feel better knowing you have a car to get around.”
“But it’s your car.”
“It’s the garage’s car. We loan it out to people when needed. People like you.” She pushed the keys back into my hand. “The car doesn’t look the greatest, but it will do the job in getting you around town. I only wish I could loan it to you longer so you could still get to your aunt’s funeral.”
More guilt riddled my stomach. I’d lied to her, of course, telling her I was on the way to my aunt’s funeral when the car broke down. I needed a viable reason for being so far out in the sticks.
It surprised me she’d brought my stupid ‘removing the drain plug’ trick when I realized the breadth of her competence, but she had, hence her needing to order the part. And even though deceit was part of my job, it rankled with someone like Grace. She’d been nothing but sweet and helpful to me since she’d towed my truck back to her garage.
Barely over five feet tall with curled hair the color of midnight scraped back into a ponytail, the woman didn’t depict an average mechanic. But with oil smudged on her face, the black smudges on her hands, and the way she carried herself, the competency shone through.
“I called ahead to my family when I first broke down,” I lied, hating every word that came out of my mouth. “They know I’m okay and that I’ll get there when I can.” I clenched the keys she’d given me, grateful for having another reason to explore the town now I had four wheels to do so. “I appreciate this. And for you pointing me toward a good place to stay.”
I’d already had the rundown of the town’s only inn. A beautiful place near to the town. Grace was friendly and genuine, and she dared to probe at my vulnerabilities with all that was happening back home. I wanted to blurt out all my woes to her, and that was dangerous.
Grace hesitated, but then said, “We’re all here to help. Donovan, the guy who owns the creek. He’s all about family and helping those in need. It’s kinda the philosophy around here.” She half-smiled, then babbled, “You might get to meet him while you’re here. But not today. He’s out on business. He should be back tomorrow.” She trailed off, then perked up again. “You said you’re an artist, right?”
“Yes. That’s right.” Both the truth and my cover story.Never lie about what you can’t back up with proof or more lies.And it took me a second to digest that Donovan Darman was actually here, even though he was out of town, but he was here. I could check him out, see if he matched the sketch, and go from there.
Grace smiled and told me, “Tom owns the hardware store. He has some art supplies. Pretty much sells anything. Take a look while you’re stuck here.”
“Yeah. I might do that. Thanks.”
“We also have a library, if you enjoy reading. Just tell Delilah, who runs it, I said you can loan any books out on my card.”
I laughed. “You know all my weak spots, Grace. Sure you’re not psychic?”
“Oh yeah, a psychic mechanic. I’m sure the world needs one of those.” She smiled. “But everyone loves a good book, surely. And it will help pass some time for you.”
“That sounds like a great idea. Thanks again.”
“No problem. If you need food aside from that at the inn, there are plenty of places in town. Or there’s the diner my family owns. It’s attached to this place, around back.” She scrunched up her nose. “Although, I suppose that’s where the garage is, around back, according to my parents and the townsfolk. How about you buy me a beer tonight at The Red Riding Hood? There aren’t many places to drink around here, but it’s a decent place. And it will help pass the time away.”
I smiled, an easy thing to do around her. Having some drinks at the local pub would give me the chance to scope out the town and find out more about this Donovan Darman while I was here, snooping around. “That sounds good. I’ll get settled in at the inn first. Not that I’ve got much luggage with me. Meet you back here at about six?”
“Sounds great. See you then.”
Grace waved, retreating into the garage space while pointing at the old gold Firenza.
I waved back and headed for the car with a town map Grace had previously shoved into my hands.
Needing to take a breath, I paused by the car, resisting the urge to lean my head against it and call attention to myself.Take a moment. Breathe. You’re here. You’ve found the town. They’ve not run you out with a shotgun. Time to follow the lead and investigate.
But there’d be no point in exploring the town today. Not when I wouldn’t get the chance to run into my target. Grace had given me the heads up by saying Donovan was out of town, and I didn’t push it any further. I needed to handle the situation carefully. To behave as a stranded woman would. And maybe that would include a shower and a nap after spending so many hours on the road.Respite. Time to catch up.
Yes. I liked the sound of that.
I’d meet Grace at the bar in a few hours, so I could grab a bite to eat there. The shower and nap sounded like a great idea right about now.