Page 76 of Hunting the Alpha
His jaw clenched, but after a while, he calmed. “I do. Sometimes. We shared a good part of our lives together, relying on one another, and being there for each other. That’s why his deception hurt so much.” He laughed humorlessly. “If he’d told me of his feelings for Belinda I would have stepped aside for him. But he went behind my back. Still, even that I would have forgiven knowing how much he craved love and a family. But working for Gideon, doing his dirty work… I can’t forgive that.”
“Sorry you lost each other.” I tilted my head toward him, returning more to myself. A weight lifted and I didn’t feel so heavy. “I’m glad you found this town. These people. They’re worth fighting for, Donovan.”
He smiled at that, the light returning to his eyes. “They are.” He linked his fingers with mine. “And so are you.”
“Once all this is over, I’d like to …”
I couldn’t finish. The words caught in my throat. But he got it, and his grin grew wide. “Would you come to live with me in Colorado, Savannah?”
I smiled, too. I couldn’t help it. “I shouldn’t. It sounds nuts. But I’m gonna. If you’ll have me.”
He lifted my hand and kissed it. “Oh, I’ll have you, alright. And in a thousand more ways than one.”