Page 80 of Hunting the Alpha
The cookout was a success from what I could gather.
I hadn’t been to many back home. But the land surrounding Donovan’s cabin was filled with the townspeople who’d come together to celebrate, have fun, and talk in groups beneath the lanterns hanging from the trees.
It was beautiful, and Emily’s management style had paid off from the fresh flowers on the tables, and the food. The delicious food. The older woman, who I believed to be a wolf, not wanting to ask in case it was an insult, had come in like a whirlwind and created long tables filled with delicacies and three grills continuously on the go to provide the cooking. Everything was in order, and everyone was having fun, hanging out in groups, chatting, some dancing, others sitting down, talking, and eating while kids played.
I’d met Max. The other alliance member. I’d gawked at the tall-built wolf in a suit, but I’d sensed the wariness there—a hint of something that got under my skin. If not for Donovan, I’d have hightailed it out of the vicinity and got my gun. But they seemed close, and Max clearly had affection for his brothers, so I let it go and made sure to keep my distance.
It brought reality back to me though. The reality about why I was here. The reality about Will. The guilt gnawed deep inside, but at least I was here, and hopefully, with Donovan and the others, we could come up with a plan to get Will out of the firing line.
Smiling, I felt both thrill and fear at the thought of moving here, to live among these people. To live with Donovan.
I should have been terrified, but it felt like home. Something I couldn’t even remember having.
Yes, I’d had a home in Will’s trailer, but it was a place to live, not a home. I barely recalled my childhood home, only flashes here and there. But it was a distant memory. Like a dream. Now I was mated to a wolf who ran a hidden town, and I’d soon be leaving Idaho.
Excitement overtook the fear and I basked in it.
Will would be okay when I moved on. He’d always done his own thing, and I’d only tagged along, not wanting to feel alone. I felt more like his keeper nowadays anyway. Once we’d got him free of Gideon’s clutches, Will would continue doing his thing. I’d only need to check in with him every now and again and spot him some cash if needed.
It hurt that he wouldn’t be within a moment’s reach though; that we’d have a more distant relationship—especially if I had kids.
The vision of me pregnant came to mind.
IfI had children, I wouldn’t risk having them around my uncle much anyway. He was an easy man to love at a distance, but up close, his flaws could overspill and hurt those closest to him. Wasn’t I a result of that? But he was still mine and I loved him. Owed him.
Gripping the bottle of beer to my chest, I took in the music, and the atmosphere, and focused on the night. A smile curled my lips at the thought of opening a door to a new future. A door that didn’t lead me back to Idaho no matter the outcome with Donovan. I was done with the place, and coming here had made me realize how comfortable I’d been stuck in quiet misery.
Now it was time to take a risk.
“So,” Grace said, disrupting my thoughts and returning with two cocktails. She handed one to me. “What do you think of a creek party?”
I eyed the cocktail before tasting it. “What’s this?”
“Frank’s concoction. He calls it Emily’s Rose. It’s pretty good.”
“Sweet.” I took the final swig of my beer and discarded it in one of the many recycling barrels Emily had put out. Sipping on the cocktail, I savored it. “Mmm, thisisgood.”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Grace smiled before sucking from her straw.
“The party is out of this world amazing. I love it.”
“I knew you’d have fun. Have you met Max yet?”
I nodded. “Yep. Also yummy.” I left out the part regarding the coldness I sensed in him.
“That man could give a robot butterflies. I chuckled my ass off when Donovan pulled you closer during the introduction. “
“Yeah. He also had to close my mouth.”
She laughed. “He watched you like a hawk after that. Poor wolf. He’s got it bad.”
“We mated, Grace.”
She choked on her cocktail. “When?”