Page 1 of Shake Up My Life
Istare at my reflection in the mirror. Scrubbing my palm down my face, I tug on the end of my beard and wonder what the fuck I’m even doing. Then again, it’s not the first time that I’ve wondered that. This is just one of the first times I think I give a shit about the question.
The silence swirls around me. It consumes me, that is, until I hear her moan from my bed. Turning my head, I look back over my shoulder at the nameless, faceless, naked pile of flesh that is starting to wake up in my bed.
Her platinum-blonde hair shimmers in the sunlight that is coming from the open window as she rolls over. Her head turns to the side, her eyelids flutter open, and she looks across the room at me with a soft smile.
She’s pretty. Was a great lay. And I could see myself going there again. But that’s all it will be, just a fuck and nothing more.
“Hey, Riff,” she purrs.
“Hey,” I mumble.
I don’t know her name, don’t care what it is either. She’s just a bedwarmer, a whore to spread and enjoy from last night. I don’t dislike her, I don’t even know her, but she’s just a body to use. Whatever the fuck that makes me, don’t know and don’t give a fuck.
She pushes up, straightening her arms and placing her palms on the mattress, her eyes never leaving mine. The sheet that was half covering her body drops, and she’s now completely exposed, her great rack on display.
Flicking my gaze to her tits, I slowly drag them up to meet hers again. Her lips are curved up into a grin as if I’ve just done exactly what she wanted me to do.
“One more time before I leave?” she asks, pushing her bottom lip out into a pout.
Thinking about the offer, I decide that there are way too many fucking strings attached to that shit. She’s not a clubwhore, she doesn’t know the rules. She’s just some girl. A one-night stand, a good lay, but nothing more. I fuck her right now, then it has the potential of becoming more and I absolutely do not want that shit.
Drunk and high fucking at a party is not the same as sober fucking the next morning. Shaking my head once, I turn around to face her fully. I give her a smile and shake my head once. I don’t want to piss her off, because I’ve seen women pissed the fuck off when they don’t get what they want and I’m not about that drama today.
“Sorry, sugar. Got work today,” I say.
“I can be fast,” she breathes, parting her lips slightly.
I got no fucking doubt that this bitch can be fast, but I also have no fucking doubt that her pussy is going to try to suck me the fuck dry and keep me forever. Maybe she’s a good girl, but for whatever reason, just looking at her, I know she isn’t.
She’s fucking trouble.
She ain’t like any of the old ladies. She’s not a Moxie, a Kia, a Marilyn, a Luella. None of them. She just fucking ain’t them and I’m not going to settle for anything less.
“I’m sure you could, but you gotta go. I have shit to do today.”
She pouts again and thankfully doesn’t try to talk me into keeping her around any longer. I watch as she slides out of bed naked, walks around the room, making sure to give me a view of every fucking part of her as she gathers her shit and dresses then gives me one more longing look before she finally slips out the door.
When she’s gone, I gather my shit and head to the bathroom to shower. Some of the rooms have attached bathrooms in the clubhouse, mine doesn’t. I don’t really need it. It’s easy enough to just pop over to the shared bathroom when I need it and I don’t have an old lady or anything.
It doesn’t take me long to shower, but it’s probably longer than most because I have to wash and condition my long hair this morning.
When I’m finished, I get dressed for the garage and head into work. The clubhouse is quiet. A morning after a party is always a bit slower, and I’m grateful for it this morning. I’m hungover and don’t want to deal with anything too serious.
Looking down at my watch, I cringe at the date.
This day twenty years ago, my world changed.
It shifted and although I didn’t think that I would ever survive it, I did. Twenty years ago, I was fresh out of the military. My mother passed away when I was a kid and my father died while I was overseas. I was alone in the world, and I was fucking lost.
Then Bowie found me.
I was drunk in a bar, not just drunk, I was completely blitzed. Someone started some shit, and I almost killed the fucker.
Bowie saved my life.