Page 13 of Shake Up My Life
“If you think real estate is best, then that’s what I’ll do, Brent. I’m sorry that I make everything so difficult,” I breathe.
“I love you, Tanner. I only want what’s best for you, and I want you to be able to live on your own if you ever need to.”
“Then I’ll do it. I’ll do it, but Brent?” I call out as he pulls into the driveway of the house.
“Yeah?” he asks when I don’t say anything immediately.
Clearing my throat, I decide to speak. “You don’t get to dictate who I date. That’s going too far. And also, you’re either with Jenna or you aren’t.”
He nods his head once, turning to look over at me. “You don’t get to date a criminal, Tanner. I have to put my foot down on that.”
“Okay,” I whisper, while inside I feel as if I’m shriveling up. I said okay, but I don’t know that I truly mean it. I don’t think that I can.
I liked Riff a lot more than I should for just being with him one night. I like him so much. More than I probably should. It doesn’t matter though. I’m making this promise to Brent and there is nothing that I can do about it.
Riff probably doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore anyway. The way he looked at me when he found out who my brother was, it made it very clear that he wanted nothing more to do with me from that moment on.
Prez stands at the head of the table, his eyes focused on mine, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares at me. He is furious. Pissed the fuck off. He unfolds his arms and then I watch as he slams his palms down on the table in front of me.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he asks, his voice bellowing.
“I was thinking she was a hot piece of ass. I’d had a long day and she offered,” I say.
He shakes his head. “Her brother has a hard-on for me, and for this club. He is looking for any excuse to take us down and you fucked his sister?”
I decide that I can’t take any more. Standing, I gently place my palms down on the table and lean over, looking him directly in the eye.
“I didn’t know who her brother was, I didn’t even know her fucking last name. My concern was only if she would put out and to ensure she was over the age of eighteen.”
“Well, you’ve got your dick wet, but you’ve probably fucked us over in the process.”
I could be a smart-ass. I could tell him that he’s fucked us over a time or two himself, but I decide against that. Instead, I shrug a shoulder and clear my throat. He knows what I’m insinuating by that and thankfully we leave well enough alone.
“Last night was the last night,” I announce.
The conversation has been dropped. He knows that my word is gold. I thought that maybe Tanner could be something else to me, at least for a split second, but it’s clear that she can’t be.
That’s okay, it’s usually the way my shit works out. Maybe I can troll our strip club, T.N.A, and becomeCaptain Save-A-Hoand make one of those women my old lady.
It’s gotta be better than being alone.