Page 23 of Shake Up My Life
Shaking my head slowly, I take a step toward her, then another, until I’m just centimeters from her. She tilts her head back a little more so that she can look into my eyes. Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through the side of her hair, gripping the strands tightly, then shifting forward to touch my mouth to hers before I speak.
“We ain’t gonna do much talking, buttercup,” I growl against her lips.
She whimpers against my mouth, her arms lifting and her hands grabbing hold of my biceps. The crunching of the ground from behind me is a clear indication that Brianne is marching up from behind me. There is no doubt in my mind that she is pissed the fuck off and thinks that she can say some fly shit to me.
Slowly, I break the kiss, my teeth nibbling on Tanner’s bottom lip as I do. “You’re mine,” I announce. “My old lady.”
“What the fuck?” Brianne snaps from behind me.
“I can’t do this,” Tanner whispers, trying to take a step backward, her hands falling from my arms. I don’t let her go anywhere. I keep my grasp in her hair, strong and unyielding. She’s not going any-fucking-where, she’s mine. All mine.
“Yeah, buttercup. You can,” I say.
“Ex-fucking-cuse me,” Brianne shouts a little louder from my side.
Turning my head, I look over to her. She has her arms crossed just beneath her tits. Thankfully she put some goddamn clothes on. Though, honestly, not much. She’s wearing a bra thing and cutoff short shorts.
“Brianne, thanks for everything, but you’ve overstayed your welcome,” I announce.
Her lips part and she looks from me to Tanner, narrowing her gaze on Tanner before she shifts her attention back to meet mine. “I can’t just leave, Riff. I have nowhere to go. I don’t have a job anymore and my landlord probably threw all my shit in the street.”
Looking back at the clubhouse, I give her a grin. “We got a clubhouse that always needs a good whore, and we own a strip club. You got a job at either, babe.”
She stumbles backward a couple of steps, her arms dropping as if she can’t believe what I’ve just said. I would feel bad, except I promised her nothing. She knew exactly what I was when she let me fuck her in that convenience store and then when she ran out of there and hopped on the back of my bike.
She was hoping that being on the back of my bike meant a hell of a lot more than being a cunt to fuck. It didn’t. I never claimed her, I never made her any vows. I’m a dick, I know that I am, but I’ve made her zero promises.
Not a single one.
“You’re an asshole, Riff,” she says on a whisper. Her bottom lip is trembling as she pokes it out in a pout. “But you’ll be back,” she says with a purr, changing demeanors instantly. Her gaze flicks over to Tanner and stays there. “When the pretty princess finds out what this life is really about, you’ll be back.”
Without another word, she turns and walks away, back into the clubhouse. I have no doubt that she’s going to make her decision, whatever that looks like, and I don’t give a shit about it.
All I know is that the woman in my arms is the only one I’ve ever really wanted, and she’s knocked up with my kid. She’s mine now.
And I will not let her go.