Page 30 of Shake Up My Life
“Iallow this shit and you’ll do Louisiana and handle that?” Prez asks.
Arching a brow, my lips lift up into a grin. “You know that I was already planning on doing that shit, yeah?” I ask. “Scuba mentioned it earlier.”
“Good,” Prez mumbles. “Fucking good.”
There is a moment of silence, and we all watch as he walks back to the head of the table. “Okay,” Prez barks. “How many men are going to Louisiana to deal with this club that thinks they got nuts the size of cannonballs?”
Six of us immediately raise our hands. We know what the action is and we know where that action is. I personally need to let some aggression out. I have a feeling after tonight, after talking to Brent that I’ll have even more.
“Okay then, the six of you head to Louisiana. Scope some shit out, if you need more, just let me know. The affiliate club there should be able to lend some bodies as well,” he says.
We all nod our heads in agreement, then there is a moment of silence before Prez moves on to something else. I don’t really listen. My part of church is over. I made my claim of Tanner and I promised to deal with Louisiana.
When Prez slams his gavel down, he shouts for me to stay behind. I do because I know that he wants to talk to me about Tanner, but more importantly about her brother. Once the room is empty, he levels me with a glare.
“This brother of hers has left me alone for about a week. But that shit is going to change, isn’t it?” Prez asks.
I let out a sigh. “Probably,” I admit. “I’m telling him after this.”
“Fuck,” he sighs.
“Right? Jesus Christ, this was not the plan. But I’m excited.”
“What happens when he doesn’t let you keep her? Maybe you should keep the whore on the back burner?”
Shaking my head slowly, I lift my hand and slide my fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends as I focus my attention on him. “No back burners. Tanner is it for me. She’s mine. The baby is mine. I’m keeping them, no matter what that fucker says.”
“You may have a fight on your hands with that,” Prez states.
My lips curve up into a grin and I jerk my chin. “I got you for backup if I need it?” I ask.
“Against a cop?”
“Against her brother?”
At the end of the day, this isn’t only about a cop, this is about her brother. A dynamic that is fucked up, beyond fucked up, and I have a feeling that Brent is about to lose his fucking mind over all of it. He’s used to being in control, of having complete control over his life, in the police department, and with his sister.
I’m taking one of those away, his sister, and I know without a doubt that he is going to throw a fucking fit about it. It doesn’t matter though. She’s mine now. I’m taking her and keeping her for myself.
Standing, I give my prez a jerk of my chin. “I got this, Prez. I’m going to handle it as much as I possibly can without club involvement.”
“No matter what, regardless of this fuck, you know that you got us as backup. You got me,” he says. “Even if I’m not happy about it all, you got me.”
The door to the room flies open and I spin around, ready to beat some fucking ass. My eyes widen at the sight of Brianne that’s standing there, wearing only a little more than she was when she was completely naked earlier.
“Hope you don’t mind sharing,” Brianne announces. “Because your woman and Byron are about to fuck on one of the tables as we speak.”
If it were anyone else coming to tell me, I would probably believe them and jump to conclusions about what Tanner is doing. However, since it’s Brianne, knowing her and that she’s already tried to assert her dominance, which did not work, I don’t believe her.
“I’m sure,” I say as I rise to my feet.
Prez lets out a chuckle. “Not envious at all, brother.”
I snort, knowing exactly what he’s talking about. I don’t envy me either. Between Brianne and Brent, I am fucking over it all and it hasn’t even really come to a head yet. Clearing my throat, I turn around and brush past Brianne, ignoring her completely.