Page 49 of Shake Up My Life
Infiltrating a club with little to no information on said club is not how I like to do shit. I would prefer to know the ins and outs, but since this is a kidnapping situation and time is of the essence, at least, I think that it is.
I mean, I don’t know much about this shit. It seems like this club has a ton of fucking secrets so who knows what this other club is full of. All of this shit makes me extremely uncomfortable. Whatever the fuck this club is up to, I really don’t want to be involved. Unfortunately, I don’t get the luxury of telling all of them to fuck off the way that I want.
Uno watches me as I pull up beside him. We’re about a block away from the clubhouse in question. The supposed bombing and kidnapping club, but after the secrets I’ve just learned about this one, I don’t know what the fuck to believe anymore. He sucks in a breath, his gaze flicking from me to the club.
“This is their main clubhouse?” I ask.
He clears his throat, then lets out his breath in a long exhale. “I think so. I don’t know if they have any safe houses. All I know is that they have been coming after us and now they’re starting to come after the women.”
“This ends now,” I state. I want to believe the best in Uno. I feel like he probably has his shit together and seems pretty much on the up-and-up, but fuck if I know what legit looks like anymore.
Uno nods his head, his eyes flicking to the clubhouse, then shifting back to mine with another nod.
“It sure fucking does,” he says.
I’m not finished talking yet though, I have more to say to him. “And that includes anything else that happens with kids or whatever else the fuck you guys were doing. You represent the Nasty Bastards now and we will not have that shit tainting our good name.”
“Understood,” Uno murmurs.
“I fucking hope so,” I say.
With a jerk of my chin, I take my gun out of my holster and hold it loosely against my side. Bans, Frogger, and Byron follow my lead and I hear them rustle behind me. Uno, Slots, and Pins also fall in line and do the same. Together, the seven of us walk up to the clubhouse.
Much like the one being targeted, this one appears to be fairly open, even more so actually since there is no gate keeping people, like us, from walking up to the front door. I don’t like this, it’s off.
There is something fucked up happening here, I just know it. I don’t understand it, but I’m sure that something is about to pop the fuck off and it’s not just us walking up here, guns loaded and fucking ready either. It’s something bigger.
Then it happens.
The door to the club flies open, and I watch as a man about six inches taller than my six-foot-two-inch height walks out of the door. He’s also about a hundred pounds heavier than me, and he looks just plain thick. He’s a goddamn fucking brick wall.
“Wonderin’ when they’d call in reinforcements,” the stranger booms.
“Yeah?” I ask. “Who the fuck are you?”
He smirks, his eyes finding mine. “You’re at my fucking place and you’re asking me who the fuck I am?” he asks on a laugh. “Jesus Christ, but you fucks have balls.”
“Seems maybe we should have a chat before we do anything else?”
The man’s eyes flick behind me, no doubt to look at Uno before he shifts his attention back to meet mine. His brow arches, his lips twitch and he dips his chin in a slow nod.
“Seems we probably fucking should. I’m Rollin, come on inside.”
Looking behind me, my gaze finds Uno’s and I arch a brow. When he speaks, I’m a bit surprised by his words. “He’s good people, at least he always has been. The rest I’m not so sure of.”
“He’s good people but they’re your enemies and you needed our help?” I ask.
Uno shrugs a shoulder but doesn’t actually say anything. I decide based on this, to not put my gun away. I’m getting vibes from this shit and I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but I’m going to be pissed as fuck if this is some kind of trap.
Bans, Frogger, and Byron must get the same sense, because they keep their guns at their sides too. Not willing to put shit away. They have my back, and I’m wondering if it’s going to come to that. I hope to fuck it doesn’t.
Walking into the clubhouse, I’m surprised at what greets me. Not only is there a large rectangular table in the middle of the room, but that table is full of men. They’re sitting around, much like we do during our church, except this is exposed, out in the middle and nowhere near private.
Then my eyes land on her.