Page 59 of Shake Up My Life
He throws the phone across the room and Brianne jumps, but she doesn’t cry out or even act scared, in fact, her entire face lights up. She is excited. She is absolutely loving this shit. She wants him angry, but I’m not sure why. And I’m not about to ask her either. She claims that she’s pregnant with Wesley’s baby.
I still don’t know this guy’s name, but I am not about to ask him either. I’m hoping that all of this will be over and done with soon and I don’t care what happens to him either. Jail? Death? Doesn’t matter to me. I just want it done and to be home… then I realize that I don’t have a home.
Tears fill my eyes. Everything starts to crash down around me, and I suddenly find it hard to breathe, as if it’s crushing my lungs at the same time.
Pinching my eyes closed, I try to suck in a breath, but nothing happens. I can hear Brianne’s voice and his voice in the background, but I can’t make out their words.
I’m completely useless.
There is no fighting like this.
There’s nothing but me being completely freaking useless and having what I assume is a panic attack. I’ve never felt anything like this before, it must be just that. My lungs squeeze in my chest, my vision starts turning dark at the corners before everything turns completely black.
Brent stares at me. He looks like he’s about to stab me in the face, and he probably would if he could. I don’t have time for any of this today though, at least not right now. My woman is fucking gone, vanished into thin air.
“You,” Brent barks again, pointing at me again.
“I do not have time for this right now. Go home. We’ll come see you in a couple days,” I say.
Brent shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest, and dips his chin slightly. His eyes narrowed and focused on me. He isn’t going to just get in his car and drive away, that much is fucking clear. So, instead of yelling at him from across the parking lot, I walk up to him.
“Get in your fucking car and go the fuck home. We will come to you in a couple days so that you can hash out whatever the fuck this is,” I murmur under my breath.
Brent shakes his head once, his eyes finding mine and he growls low before he speaks. “Where the fuck is my sister?” he demands.
I look to the side, then bring my attention back to meet his. “What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask.
I’m not about to offer up shit right now and honestly, he’s wasting precious fucking time with me right now. What I’m not going to do is say a fucking word about it though. Instead, I wait for him to tell me what the fuck he knows. I’m not offering up shit.
Brent turns his head slightly, spitting before he shifts his attention back to meet mine. “She didn’t go to fucking class today. They called me, wanting to know if they needed to have her work at the front desk and if someone would be picking it up for her. She’s with you for a couple of fucking days and she’s already not going to classes? You’re going to ruin her goddamn life,” he shouts. “You’re going to fucking ruin her.”
He’s not wrong. I am going to ruin her. I’m going to fucking decimate her. But hopefully only in the best ways possible. Because Tanner Pratt has already ruined me for anyone else in this whole goddamn world.
I figured that shit out real fucking fast, especially when I thought that I could settle for Brianne. There was just no way that shit was ever going to work, not in reality, not when there was her. Sweet fucking Tanner in the back of my mind.
Sure, I fucked Brianne, but I couldn’t keep her, couldn’t ever be anything more than physical with her. Somehow, with Tanner, I’m with her in every sense of the word. She is the other part of me. It’s something so much bigger than a simple fuck.
“I don’t give a shit if Tanner goes to school or not. That’s completely up to her,” I say, realizing that I haven’t actually spoken to Brent and he looks like he’s about to rip my fucking head off any second.
“She wasn’t in goddamn class,” he hisses.
Turning my head, I look back over my shoulder at Prez who is watching this. He knows why I’m looking for him and dips his chin, his eyes holding mine. He nods his head once, giving me permission to tell this asshole the truth. I’m glad for it too because I have a feeling that he’s not going to walk out of here without his sister, or in this case, without knowing what has happened to her.
“She didn’t go to class for a reason,” I say, turning my attention back to him.
“A reason?” he asks.
I can feel the men behind me moving in a bit closer, knowing that this shit will no doubt get really fucking ugly really fucking fast. Brent is not the kind of man who is just going to accept some bullshit excuse either. He will want to see his sister. He will not leave until he does, so I have no choice but to tell him.
“She was kidnapped,” I state.
His face pales right before it turns so red that it’s almost purple. “The fuck?” he asks slowly.