Page 68 of Shake Up My Life
Thankfully, we have one member doing life along with a few other guys who are always in prison for one reason or another that will have access to Sinks. It’s fucking perfect, because I can’t imagine Sinks being allowed to live in a prison cell with three squares and a roof over his head. Fuck that and fuck him. The asshole deserves to die.
“Brianne?” I ask as soon as the talk about Sinks comes to an end.
“What about her?” Prez asks.
“She was the one who told Sinks where my woman was. She was the one who tried to pretend she was pregnant with my kid in some hopes of trapping me or fucking with Tanner’s head, maybe doing both, I don’t fucking know. But she can’t stay here.”
“She can’t,” Prez agrees.
Tiny stands, clearing his throat before he speaks. When he does, my heart starts slamming against my chest anxiously. Not because I feel guilty or I did anything wrong, but because I was fucking lost when I brought her here.
I was desperate and I didn’t need to be.
I fucked this up. Whatever she does, that’s on me and I’m so fucking angry with myself over that.
“She’s got major fucking problems. She is anywhere near here and she’s going to cause problems. We don’t need that shit anymore.”
Nobody says anything else. As heartless as we all are, none of us wants to hurt women or children. Do we use women? Yeah. Do we possibly misuse them? Probably. Do we go around killing or hurting women? Not typically.
But this case isn’t typical. Not by any means.
This is real fucking life, and there is nothing we can do about the fact that I fucked up by bringing Brianne here and that Brianne is fucking crazy as shit. That’s just the way it goddamn is and there’s nothing that can really be done about that shit.
“Brianne will go, but I am going to leave it up to Riff on how that happens. This is his shit. He brought her here, he gets her out,” he announces. Then Prez’s eyes find mine and he dips his chin slightly. “Nobody will judge you in any way, brother.”
He doesn’t say anything else, and I don’t demand that he does. I understand what he’s saying to me. I completely fucking get it. It’s a tough pill to swallow. I have to do this myself, I cannot ask anyone to do it for me, but at the end of the day, that’s the way it should be. It’s a fair ruling.
Prez slams his gavel down and everyone slowly files out of the room, then Prez jerks his chin to me. “You good, brother?” he asks.
Nodding my head, I clear my throat as I stand to my feet. I start to answer him when Byron storms into the room.
“The cop brother is here,” he barks.
“Fuck,” Prez and I hiss simultaneously.