Page 74 of Shake Up My Life
Jenna sends me a text message, but I can’t look at it, not right now. I’ve got more important things going on. Much more important fucking things going on, like this little blip on the screen in front of me.
This little blip that is more than just a blip. It’s a whole baby. An entire child looks back at me on the screen. Well, it doesn’t look back at me, but it’s right there in front of me. It’s not completely and totally formed, but I can see a head, arms, legs, and a body. It’s a baby in the making.
The doctor is talking, but I can’t hear anything over the heartbeat of this baby.
“So, everything looks good?” Wesley asks.
His voice causes my entire body to jolt. Licking my lips, I look over to Wesley, then shift my attention back to the doctor. I hold my breath waiting for him to answer. His lips curve up into a smile and he nods his head once.
“Everything looks really good. Next time we see this little one, we’ll know the sex. Start thinking about whether you want to know or if you would like to keep it a surprise.”
Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I don’t say either way. This is definitely something that I need to talk to Wesley about. I want to know. I want to go and buy a million little baby outfits. I want to decorate a room with a theme.
The doctor stands, reminding me to stop by the front and make my appointments for the next few months, then says he’ll see me in a few weeks and leaves us alone in the room. I hurry and dress, then slip my purse over my shoulder as I stand in front of Wesley and wait for him to join me.
“Just wait… just one second,” Wesley says, his voice ragged and scratchy.
He lifts his arms, wrapping his hands around my hips as he tilts his head back and looks up at me. I shift my gaze down to meet his. He squeezes my hips, then his serious expression shifts. I watch as his lips curve up into a smile.
“You’re having my baby,” he says.
We’ve had a month. A good month. We moved to our own place. We’ve been living together and getting to know one another. It’s been beautiful and hard. So hard. But Wesley makes it all worth it. He makes me feel desired, beautiful, and wanted.
So wanted.
Wesley slides his hand from my hip to my stomach. He presses his palm against my stomach and my entire body flutters. He doesn’t speak right away, his eyes searching mine for a long moment, then he smiles softly.
“Marry me, buttercup.”
“Aren’t we already considered married?” I ask.
Wesley stands slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, not even when he towers over me and has to tip his chin down to continue to look into my eyes. His gaze searches mine, he is looking for something, but he doesn’t tell me what.
Instead, he leans forward a bit and his mouth touches mine, but he doesn’t deepen the kiss. He hums against my lips before he lifts his head and speaks. His eyes sparkle as they search mine. He smiles as he watches me and his teeth shine through his beard as he looks down at me.
“In the club, we’re as good as married, but that’s not enough for you, Tanner. You deserve so much more. I want you to legally be my wife, to have my last name. You’re mine, buttercup. For life. Always.”
I shouldn’t be as excited as I am to hear him say that. I’m not sure if I want to give him an answer right now. I want to say yes, of course I do. Except, something holds me back… or rather someone. Brent. He would not come. I know that he wouldn’t. And it shouldn’t upset me. I shouldn’t even think about it, but I do.
But I can’t spend my life waiting for Brent to want to be part of it. I can’t hold off on the good things to happen to me, on living, because Brent has made a decision for the both of us, a decision to turn his back on me, to turn his back on my baby, his niece or nephew.
“Yes,” I breathe. “Of course, I’ll marry you, Wesley.”
His lips touch mine, they slam down against my own, and he consumes me. This man always consumes me and owns me. He’s mine and I’m his. I don’t know what the future is going to hold, but I do know that it’s going to be the three of us. Him, me, and our baby.
Hand in hand, we leave the doctor’s office, but only after I make my next six appointments. Once we’re outside, we walk toward my car and stop right beside it. He turns me to him, his chin dipping to look into my eyes. He gives me a smirk and shakes his head a couple of times.
“Come to the clubhouse after classes?”
“Okay,” I breathe.
Wesley lifts his hand, cupping my cheek as he looks so deep inside of me that I swear he can see my soul. Then he leans in and touches his mouth to mine. I feel his tongue slip inside of me and taste me.