Page 46 of Summer Salvation
I’m a liar.
I am not a tough cookie. I’m more like a gooey chocolate chip cookie, but I can’t let Theo know I’m terrified of Serena coming back into his life and wrecking everything we’re starting to build. I already know I won’t do anything to get in the way of a mother’s relationship with her children. Piper talks about her mom more than Theo probably realizes; she misses Serena, and I’m certain having her back will chase away some of the monsters under her bed.
So, as my mama and granny would say, I put on my big girl panties and tried to be as supportive as possible.
“I have some phone calls to make. Rain check on those pancakes,” Theo asks. We’re still sitting on the couch, with my arms draped around his neck and my head resting on his shoulder.
“Of course.” I tip my face up and fit my mouth against his, drawing him in to a kiss. My intent is not to tempt him but to show him I’m there. Whatever he needs from me, I’ll give it to him; whatever he wants me to do, I’ll do it.
He ends our kiss with soft little pecks across my cheeks and nose. “I promise I won’t be long. We’re meeting my parents in Seaside.”
“The house is ready?”
“Not quite. You’ll have to suffer through a bit of construction because the drywallers can’t come out until next week to patch all the holes.”
I roll my eyes and laugh as I picture Colton and Piper’s curiosity getting the best of them. “Sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
I push up from the couch, but Theo quickly grabs my hand, pulling me back down. His deep blue gaze is intense. “I’m sorry this is ruining the last few hours we have of only us.”
I shrug it off like it doesn’t matter but when his nostrils flare, I can tell he didn’t like my response. “Shit happens, you know? Life isn’t perfect.”
He lifts a hand, sliding it through my hair. “You’re perfect.”
“Far from it.”
He brushes his lips against mine in an achingly soft kiss. “Perfect for me.”
My heart both melts and breaks simultaneously. He’s so open to loving someone else despite being deceived. He thought he found his partner, his person. He thought he chose “the one,” but instead, through no fault of his own, he chose a lie.
“I want to be,” I whisper, leaning forward for another kiss. “I want to be everything for you.”
Suddenly, the phone calls he needs to make are forgotten because they don’t matter; what matters is the intense heat suffocating us both. I dive for him, throwing my arms around his neck and slinging my legs across his lap. My hands reach for the T-shirt covering him, pulling it up and over his head as he does the same, tearing my flimsy T-shirt from my body. It’s frantic, this tangle of hands and arms as we work to undress each other while maintaining a fierce connection with our lips.
I can’t stop kissing him. It’s as if he’s breathing for me, breathing life and love into me, and I need it.
But only until his mouth is hot against my bared breasts. My head falls back as my hips rock back and forth, grinding against his hard cock. I’m desperate to have him inside me again, to feel him stretch me, to have him push me to my limits.
His hands are strong and steady against my back, a silent promise he won’t let me fall. Except, it’s too late. I have tumbled into the unknown for this man. He’s inside me now, inside the blood pumping through my veins, inside the chambers of my heart.
I drag myself up to watch his mouth worship my body. It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen as he moves across to the other breast, feasting on it as if it’s his last meal. My hands brush through his dark hair, still unruly from sleep.
“Theo,” I moan as I reach between our bodies to brush my fingers against his hard length, still covered by light blue boxer shorts.
He releases me with a gasp of air before tilting his head up. “What do you need, baby?”
“You,” I tell him. “I need you inside me.”
He smiles, big and wide like the Cheshire cat as he stretches his arms out along the back of the couch. “You know what to do.”
I bite down on my lip and flutter my lashes before wrapping my fingers around the waistband of his boxers and lifting myself enough to drag them down his thighs. His cock springs free, the tip glistening and ready. I wrap one hand around his shaft, stroking it lightly before pushing aside my panties with my other hand and guiding him into me. Slowly, I sink down, watching his cock disappear inch by inch until he’s completely rooted.
He slaps his hands on my hips and drags them sharply forward. “You’re a distraction,” he snaps with a wink. “I have things to do.”
“So do them,” I counter, rocking hard against him.