Page 28 of All That Lies Ahead
“Good morning, beautiful.”
Two strong arms wrap around me, squeezing me so tightly I can barely breathe. I don’t utter a single complaint—at least for another thirty seconds, at which point I might have to tap out.
Luckily, it doesn’t come to that, because he loosens his grip and rolls over onto his back, taking me with him. He’s shirtless, and I rub my cheek against his warm chest. Waking up beside him each morning this past week has been heaven.
“Mm,” I moan. “You’re so cozy.”
He laughs, sneaking his hand under the covers. I start to get excited and wiggle my hips closer, but instead of landing between my legs, his hand begins rubbing circles along my stomach. A close second, I suppose.
“We haven’t even talked about names,” he says. “What kind of soon-to-be parents are we?”
“The worst,” I respond. “But there’s no need. I’ve already chosen. It’s Bertha.”
To his credit, his hand only stutters for a moment before falling back into its lulling rhythm. “Uh-huh. And what if it’s a boy?”
“Also Bertha.”
He chuckles, his hand sliding up my body and grabbing my chin. “Bertha it is,” he whispers before placing his lips on mine. When he finally pulls away, I sigh, closing my eyes and leaning back into him.
“Do you want a boy or a girl?” I ask quietly. I’ve asked him once before, but he didn’t have an answer then. I wonder if that’s changed.
“Oh, do I get to choose?”
I roll my eyes and swat at his hand as it makes it way up my rib cage.
“Baby, I don’t care what we have,” he says.
“You don’t care at all?”
“No?” he says, sounding unsure. “Unless that answer is going to get me into trouble.”
“Of course not,” I say with a laugh. “I don’t have a preference either, but I was reading online that a lot of women have a general idea of what they’re having. Or they’ll have a dream that it’s a girl, and it ends up actually being a girl. But I don’t have any idea. The second I think it may be a girl, my next thought is that maybe it’s a boy.”
“Well, just one more day, and then we won’t have to wonder anymore.”
“I seriously can’t believe we’re halfway through this pregnancy already.” Lying in this bed with Chase and discussing baby name feels so surreal. Six months ago, I could have never dreamed that this is where my life would have taken me.
“We should probably go shopping at some point,” he says. “Or else our baby is going to come into this world without even a box of diapers to their name.”
“Shopping? When? Where?” I gasp in excitement, already running through my mind all the items I have saved in my bookmarks to purchase.
“Today?” he offers. “I can take the day off work and we can drive into Denver. There’s gotta be some baby stores there. I’ll see if Drake can come hang out at the house for a few hours with Emily, or at least make sure his phone is on so she can call him if she needs to.”
Squealing, I sit up and hurry over to the closet. I grab a maternity top I bought online but haven’t had the chance to wear yet and turn back to Chase.
He’s still lying in bed, looking smug with his arms behind his head and a shit-eating grin on his face.
I jump back into bed and yank the blanket off him. I do my best to only spend a quick second ogling his goods before dropping a kiss to his lips and saying, “Get up. We need to shower.”
He groans, grabbing for my arm when I try to get back up again. He pulls me down for more kisses, sliding his hand down my back and gripping my ass to pull me on top of him.
“Just a few more minutes.” His words are staccato in between kisses, and I laugh breathlessly.
When his lips trail down my chest and lock onto a nipple, I gasp. “Okay. Just a few more minutes.”
A few more minutes turns into an hour of rolling around in bed, sweaty bodies piercing the air with moans and giggles.