Page 31 of All That Lies Ahead
“Oh my god, I feel like Anna when she runs around the castle singing about coronation day,” Chase whispers out of the side of his mouth.
We’re sitting in the doctor’s office waiting room in anticipation of my twenty-week ultrasound. He’s been nervous and excited all morning, even dragging me out of bed an hour earlier than I’d planned. Now, he’s looking at me for confirmation that I feel the same, adjusting in his seat and wiping his sweaty palms down the length of his jeans.
I know they’re sweaty because he won’t stop grabbing my hand, but he’s too excited for decent hand holding and keeps accidentally squeezing my fingers until they go numb.
“Who’s Anna?” I ask, scrunching my face up in a frown of confusion. “Coronation day?”
“Anna. You know, from Frozen,” he explains, as if that clears things right up.
“Oh, Frozen. Is that the movie with the little snowman?”
“Yes, that’s Olaf.” He nods his head and lifts his arm to place it around my shoulder.
“Oh, okay. Never seen it.”
“What?” He looks at me like he takes personal offense to the fact. “You’ve been living in the same house as Willow for almost two months and you’ve managed to sneak by without watching Frozen?”
“Willow has already declared herself too old for animated movies. You’re really behind the times, buddy.” I pat his arm to help ease the blow.
“Too old? She’s ten. And she just watched the new Toy Story with me the other night.” He ticks his two points off on his fingers, trying to make enough of a case for my words to not be true.
“Yeah, she’s trying to let you down easy.” When he looks flabbergasted, I hold up my hands. “Hey, her words, not mine.”
He sighs, laying his head back against the wall and closing his eyes. “Man, you think you know someone…”
“Addison McCormick,” I hear.
I look up to find a woman standing by the door that leads into the hallway of patient rooms. She has a clipboard in her hand and a cheerful smile on her face.
“Finally, they’re opening up the gates,” Chase says quietly beside me.
He jumps to his feet with a smirk, and I trail behind him, convinced he’s losing his mind.
“Date of birth?” the woman with the clipboard asks as we make our way down the hallway. I rattle it off and she smiles at me. “Perfect. My name’s Clarissa, and I’ll be doing your ultrasound today. Before we get started, do you need to go to the bathroom? It can be easier to get some good pictures in there without a full bladder.”
“Uh, sure. I’ll go ahead and try.”
She stops in front of a dimly lit room and points to a closed door beside it. “Bathroom is right in there. Just join us whenever you’re ready.”
“Thank you.” I handle my business in the bathroom quickly, eager to get started with the ultrasound. I may have found out I was pregnant a little late, but it still feels like I’ve spent forever waiting to learn the sex. Chase and I haven’t talked any more about baby names, waiting until today’s verdict to really dive in, and I’m starting to get antsy referring to it as just “the baby.”
When I walk into the room, Clarissa is gone and Chase is sitting in a chair next to the long one meant for me. His hands are clasped in front of him, and he’s still wearing that goofy grin.
“You okay?” I tease. He looks like he might jump out of his skin with excitement.
“I don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, but I’m somewhere in that zone.”
“Sir!” I pull back. He’s officially gone off the deep end.
“Sorry. Another Frozen quote.” He shrugs. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think I’m broken.”
“Sheesh. Let it go,” I mutter.
“Ah-ha!” He laughs and leans in to kiss my cheek just as Clarissa walks into the room.
“All right, guys. Sorry, I needed to grab some more gel.” She sits in the wheeled chair in front of the ultrasound machine. “Why don’t you pull up your shirt for me, and we’ll get things started?”