Page 37 of All That Lies Ahead
Addison raises her eyebrows and looks around the room. The kitchen island is stacked with snacks, the dining room table is covered in presents, there are blue IT’S A BOY balloons attached to the furniture and floating in the air.
“What’s a baby shower without a best friend?” I step aside and swing the thick door open, turning to find Drake’s goofy mug front and center in our view. “Get the hell out of the way, Drake,” I holler at him.
I turn back to Addison with an apologetic smile while Drake cackles obnoxiously behind me.
Her grin is confused, like maybe she thinks the two of us are losing our minds, but I can see the moment Olivia pops into view by the transformation on her face. She gasps as Olivia squeals, running up the steps and straight into Addison’s arms.
“How was the drive, man?” I ask Drake.
“Just dandy,” he says with a smirk, thumping my shoulder as he walks by me and zeroes in on the food.
“Oh my god, Olivia!” Addison says. “I can’t believe you’re here!”
“Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s not every day I get to celebrate my best friend and her baby.” Olivia pulls back slightly, looking down at Addison’s ever-growing bump. “How do you look this damn good pregnant? It’s not fair.”
Addison laughs and rolls her eyes, but I can see she appreciates Olivia’s kind words.
“Okay, I can only stay for a night before I’m on a flight back home tomorrow, but I promise I’ll stay longer when he’s born.”
“Oh, Olivia.” Addison’s eyes fill with tears as she brings her in close for another hug.
Just then, my mother pops back into the room, greeting Olivia before ushering us all into the kitchen. She doles out the shiny blue five-compartment paper plates I spent forever searching for online. Once bellies are full and spirits are high, Emily demands that it’s time for presents.
When I say she really did think of everything, I’m not exaggerating. Willow and Drake disappear into the guest room and pull out two decorated dining room chairs. Each one is topped with a balloon of a baby in a diaper and a banner labeled Mom and Dad on our respective chairs. Addison’s grin lights up at the spectacle.
Presents are handed her way, and she laughs and smiles and thanks everyone as she tears into them. Even Willow gets in on the action a few times, and despite being in double digits, she seems to find baby toys way more entertaining than she should.
When it comes time for Addison to open Drake’s gift, he sits back on the couch, arms spread wide like the cocky little shit he is. Emily gave him explicit instructions on what to get—a Sit-Me-Up seat and a play mat—which I’m guessing he followed by the weak high-five she gives him.
Suddenly, Olivia speaks up, pulling a checkbook out of her purse and scratching on it with her pen. “I didn’t have time to pick out a gift and, frankly, I have no clue what a baby would need anyway, so here’s a check. Buy him something really cute and awesome and tell him it’s from Aunt Olivia.”
When we’re down to one last present, Addison hesitates. “There’s no name,” she says.
Willow hurries back over to her side. “It’s from me and my mom,” she replies, smiling over at Emily with pride.
On shaky arms, Emily pulls herself a little higher in her seat, a smile that matches Willow’s dancing on her face.
Addison pulls out the white tissue paper and hands it to me before digging deeper into the bag. When her hand reappears, she’s holding a familiar piece of fabric—a crocheted blanket of thick, intertwined blue and pink yarn.
“It’s my baby blanket,” Willow says.
“Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful.” Addison looks down at Willow from her elevated seat and leans down to hug her tightly. When she pulls back up, her eyes are watery. “This is so special, Willow. Thank you.” She pauses, clearing her throat and wiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks. “All of you. Thank you for being here and for loving this baby. We’re so lucky to have all of you.”
I reach my hand out to rest on her stomach, and she smiles at me, placing her hand over mine.
I look out over the smiling faces in the room—Addison, our best friends, my parents, and my daughter. In this room are the eight people that mean the most to me—well, nine if you count my son—and they threw a party that was everything Addison deserved and more.
The room is alive with words and laughter, but I hold my eyes on Emily until she looks over at me. Despite the tears rolling down her face, she looks at peace.
“Thank you,” I mouth.
As much as Emily needed this baby shower to focus on, I think Addison might have needed the surprise even more.