Page 21 of Zander & Zsanine
Chapter Nine
They walked outside as there was no reason to remain in the house. Zsanine wasn’t in there.
“Should we call the police?” Shareef asked.
“I prefer to handle shit like this on my own with the resources I have at my disposal,” Zander countered.
“What resources are those?” Mustapha asked. Zander heard the discount in his voice but ignored it.
“We have a security team,” Zander replied. “They can run intelligence, counterintelligence, and get Zsanine back safely from whoever has her.”
It was at that moment the brothers realized just how little they knew about Zsanine’s friend. It was very little, practically nothing. How could they trust him? How could they know if he truly had Zsanine’s best interest at heart?
There was no real way they could. How then could they move forward?
What they didn’t know or couldn’t have known is that Zander would do whatever was necessary to get Zsanine back safely, with or without her brothers. He was fully prepared to tell them that when Mustapha’s phone rang.
It was their parents. Mustapha hesitated to answer. He also hesitated to put the phone on speaker, but he did both, dreading the call the entire time.
“Have you found her?” Zsa Zsa asked.
He heard his mother’s distress immediately. There was a pain in Mustapha’s heart that he found difficult to bear. His mother was his heart. Anything that worried her worried him. Anything that hurt her that he couldn’t immediately eradicate hurt him. This Mustapha couldn’t immediately fix. It quieted him as he didn’t know how to respond.
Mustapha took too long to answer. The silence on the other end of the line was more than their mother could bear.
“Please tell me my daughter is okay.”
“We haven’t found her yet,” Brigham finally replied.
Zsa Zsa couldn’t breathe. She felt her heart siege and then sink into her belly. Shareef Sr. held her close, feeling his wife’s body quake against him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, trying to keep his voice level.
“She’s not at home,” Brigham explained. “We called the office. She’s not there.”
“Where is she?” Zsa Zsa asked, her voice quivering.
Her sons hated to hear their mother upset. It pained them deeply.
“Zsanine had an appointment yesterday with a new client. We are going to try and work from there, try and track her from there,” Brigham replied.
He eyed his brothers and then took the phone off speaker, taking a few steps away from the group for privacy. Their parents, on the other end, didn’t know what was happening. They heard a click in the line and thought it had disconnected. Brigham could hear his parents calling his name as he stepped away.
“Zsanine’s boyfriend is here, too. He claims to have a security company he can use to help find her. But we’re not sure about doing that versus calling the police and getting them involved.”
“How could the police becoming involved hurt?” Zsa Zsa asked. Her question was emotional, not logical. She was too upset to think logically.
“Zsanine is an adult. I’m sure there is a certain amount of time that has to elapse before we can even file a missing person report. And even if we could, when we could, would they even take it seriously? Use every available resource at their disposal?”
There were things Brigham didn’t ever have to say that their parents understood, even in their worrying.
“We may not know a lot about this young man, but if he has the resources to help find Zsanine, then we trust him to do that. We have very little choice,” Shareef Sr. reasoned.
“Promise you will call as soon as you hear anything, as soon as you find her.”
“We will, mom,” Brigham assured.
“Call even if you don’t.”