Page 24 of Zander & Zsanine
The guard approached Zsanine again, this time walking behind her and releasing the hand restraints she wore. He paused a second to see if she was going to try anything. When she didn’t, he then stepped in front of her and picked up her head scarf.
“Make it quick, okay?”
“I will,” she said, taking the scarf from him. “Thank you.”
Zsanine didn’t do any fancy or extravagant wrapping, instead choosing a simple style close to the head. She knotted the scarf in the back. Just as she was finishing up, the door opened. Bella walked through the door. Zsanine felt her enter the room. It immediately iced over.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Bella quipped as she entered. “This isn’t a party. She’s a prisoner. Why in the hell are her hands untied?”
The guard didn’t like her tone. He didn’t like her. He didn’t respond to Bella; instead, stepping behind Zsanine, who already had her hands to her side, waiting to be rebound.
“Where’s your sister?” Zsanine asked, taking every opportunity to try and get into Bella’s head. “Is she having second thoughts?”
Bella’s arched brows furrowed. Why would she say that? Bella thought to herself. How would she even know?
Zsanine could see Bella’s wheels turning. And when the captor noticed the captured honing in on her confused look, Bella quickly straightened her face and feigned confidence.
“First of all, it’s none of your business,” she quipped smartly. “Secondly, it doesn’t matter what she thinks, what thoughts she’s having. It’s my plan, and it will be executed to perfection.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Bella’s eyes tightened when she saw the slight smile on the guard’s face.
“You’ve done what you needed to do,” she addressed him snapping her fingers. “Let’s go.”
Bella had been sure. She’d convinced herself that the plan was foolproof. It had to be. Zander needed to be taken down for how he humiliated her. His family needed to pay for the hell they’d put her family through. It had to work. Her plan had to work, right? That’s how she felt in the beginning, and that’s how she portrayed she still felt. But as she descended the stairs, an inkling of doubt started to creep into her mind. Bella fully expected to see Bianca pacing the floor again as she’d done over and over since their captive had been tied up. But when she looked around the first floor of the house, there was no Bianca.
“Where’s Bianca?” Bella asked whoever was listening. “Where’s my sister?”