Page 30 of Zander & Zsanine
“Who called?”
Bianca jumped. She didn’t hear anyone enter the room. Knowing it was her sister didn’t make it any better.
“Oh girl, you scared me,” Bianca admitted, feigning a chuckle.
Bella sat down across from her and crossed her legs, the top one bobbing up and down.
“Did you hear what I asked? Who called?”
“What makes you think someone called?” Bianca asked, trying to buy some time to figure out what to say.
“Quit acting brain dead,” Bella huffed. “I heard you talking to someone. No one else is in here. Were you talking to yourself?”
“And if I was?” Bianca asked, continuing to deflect. She knew her sister well. Bella would pounce all over that statement and go off on a tangent that would hopefully buy Bianca some time.
“Smart ass,” she scoffed. “Just like that trick upstairs. Trying to get smart with me,” Bella continued. “She lucky I’m trying to stick to the plan and not take her ass out until Zander gets here. I guess I need to slap her up some more, so she’ll shut her damn mouth.”
“Just leave her alone, Bella. She’s already tied up.”
“Are you defending that bitch?” Bella’s eyes narrowed, anticipating her sister’s response.
“No, no,” Bianca replied. “I’m just saying. She’s tied up. All she can do is talk. She can’t fight back.”
“I feel like you’re taking her side over mine,” Bella pushed. “Like you’re siding with that bitch over me, his family over ours.”
“Come one now, Bella,” Bianca sighed. “You know better than that.”
“So, what are you saying then, since clearly, I’m missing it.”
She said it so sarcastically that Bianca rolled her eyes.
“I’m just over this whole thing. I’m over it.”
“But it's not done,” Bella quickly countered. “So, whether you’re over it or not, we are finishing what we started.”
Bianca didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t say anything. She’d been warned. Bianca wasn’t brave enough to risk telling Bella that they weren’t going to finish what they started. But she didn’t have to tell her because all hell broke loose.
The scout team was there awaiting the Don’s arrival. They’d already scouted out the situation and had followed instructions to the letter. When the caravan of cars representing the other contingency arrived, they were instructed to park a few hundred feet away, outside of the periphery of the two guards holding post outside the house, one in the front and one in the back. Once everyone was out of the vehicles, Nicholas gave the instruction.
“Take them down.”
The A team was ready, moving in sync, two men in the front, two men in the back. Before the DiCarlo guards standing watch could respond, they were immobilized. The one in the front was muffled and dragged out of the line of sight of anyone in the home. The one in the back was treated much the same way. In under a minute, the two external guards were of no consequence.
“Boss, we’ve got two roaming guards on the inside,” the A Team captain reported out. “Zsanine is in an upstairs bedroom, the second window from your left facing the house. Both Betty’s are downstairs in the family room in the rear.”
Everyone with an earpiece heard the report, but only Nicholas replied and then instructed.
“B team, you’re on the guards. Find them. Deal with them. Front and back doors on my count.” Nicholas turned to his youngest brother.
“Zander, go get your girl.”
He nodded in reply. Zander was already focused, swaying side to side, his eyes lasered on the house that held the one he loved. Nicholas turned his attention to Zsanine’s brothers. “Stay here.”
This time there was no objection. Mustapha still wanted to be a part, though. He still wanted to be on the front line and help save his sister. But he knew any objection to the directive given would fall on deaf ears. The trio had learned their lesson and were willing to follow instructions to the letter. At this point, all they wanted was their sister back, unharmed and safe.
“B Team, on my count,” the Don said. When Nicholas started to move toward the house, the brothers and their security moved with him.
“Three.” They moved in unison, the brothers in the middle flanked by security on both sides.