Page 39 of Zander & Zsanine

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Page 39 of Zander & Zsanine

“Then you should have made me wake up sooner,” she replied. Only then did Zander feel better.

“Yes, beloved. Yes, I will marry you.”

“You had me nervous there for a minute,” Zander smiled as he placed the ring on her finger.

“Oh, no,” Zsanine sighed. “I didn’t mean to, but you could have shaken me awake because I can’t wait to be your wife.”

She reached up and wrapped both arms around his neck, hugging him for making her feel so good, so incredibly special. As they separated, the giddy feelings turned into something else. There was an internal heat that began to echo throughout her body. She placed one hand gently on each side of Zander’s ruggedly handsome face and marveled. She looked deeply into his eyes, and his gaze penetrated hers. Their faces were not even an inch apart, not touching but close enough to feel the vibration that flowed between them. Zander was conscious, awakened, and it lured Zsanine like bees to honey. The seduction was not physical. It was mental and heart-full and soulful.

So, when he eased Zsanine down into the bed, there was no hesitation, no reluctance, and no fear. Before he moved a step further, Zander checked in with Zsanine. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. There was a slight raise to his eyebrows and his face, and his eyes were sincere. She answered affirmatively with a passionate kiss on his inviting lips. Zsanine appreciated Zander; he took his time with her, passionately bringing out the woman in her. Zander’s loving touch encouraged her not to. He regarded them as though they were delicate, tracing their fullness with his fingers and titillating Zsanine’s nipples first with his hands and then with light kisses.

She’d been sexually aroused before, but nothing like this. There was a quickening inside Zsanine. Her breathing sped up, and her heart beat faster. Whatever thoughts she had in her mind before Zander touched her evaporated into nothingness. Zsanine’s mind was a blank canvas slowly being colored in by Zander’s caress. As his lips found her mounds and he suckled, the sounds that escaped her lips refused to be contained. She looked down at him, and he looked up at her, and Zsanine’s heart melted just a little bit more. She caressed his head as his mouth traced from her breasts down her center. Zsanine felt his manhood rising as his body pressed ever so slightly against her. Another rush of warmness surged through the entirety of her body.

Again, Zander took a moment to look at what was newly exposed. He didn’t immediately touch her there, just appreciating the deliciousness of her jewel with his eyes and then slowly tracing the edges with his fingers. As though pulled by a puppet’s string, Zsanine’s back arched, leaving the cool sheets temporarily vacated.

Zander saw Zsanine’s reaction, and there was a smirk of a smile. He took his free hand and reached for her hand. She acquiesced, and he led Zsanine’s hand to touch him there. She was like a child tempted to touch a flickering flame; yet, Zsanine’s womanhood throbbed from yearning. She wanted him inside her in the worst way, and the moan that passed through her lips told him so. He was thick and firm, and when she touched him, Zander crooned a guttural groan that sent chills down her core. Her pussy thumped again. Zsanine’s body yearned for an even greater touch from him.

She pulled him towards her, saying yes with her body. He kissed her deeply, and Zsanine’s legs gave way. Zander lifted his lips from her lips, and once again, their eyes locked intensely. She felt the sting and then prick of his manly entrance into her… ssss… oooohhh… ahhhh… The cherry of Zsanine’s juices erupted with his first touch coating him completely, making his first thrust smooth. Her head fell back between the blades of her shoulders as his manly strength covered her.

The pleasure came in waves, first long and smooth as Zander stroked her puss deep but crashing just the same. The thickness of his manhood filled Zsanine completely, and he hit her g spot with exactness that made her squeal in ecstasy. She couldn’t help it. And the then intensity of the waves increased as the tempo of their fuck increased; sweat peppered his brow, their thighs slapping together with every upward thrust, the animalistic moans spilling from both of their lips as they lost themselves in each other’s passion. His eyes never left Zsanine as they found a syncopated rhythm, his drum to her drum, echoed by the rod iron headboard banging relentlessly against the wall like a bass drum. Zsanine traced Zander’s body down to the small of his back, and with his next thrust, he lifted her to a height she had never felt before.

“Ahh, Zander,” she uttered breathlessly.

Her nails sunk into his skin and the pleasure of her jewel mixed with the sting in his back pushed a guttural utterance from his lips that sent shockwaves through Zsanine. Zander’s warm breath heated her as he whispered against her ear, calling her name.


She didn’t know how long they were in that space because she had lost track of time. The beat of Zsanine’s heart pounded so loudly in her ears it was deafening. Her body was wet with his sweat commingled with hers, and the headboard crashed hard against the wall. Every time he thought about how much he loved her, how long he had loved her, Zander couldn’t contain it. He had craved Zsanine for so long, not just her body but connecting with her soul, giving himself fully to her, letting her know that she meant everything and more to him. He was breathless, overcome, and primal. Zander needed to see if she knew if she felt the same. He had to gain her eyes so he could peer into the depths of her soul. And she was right there, waiting for him, her beautiful eyes gazing back at him without hesitation. They felt the connection. It was more than either of them could ever imagine. It was transcendental, mind-blowing, heartfelt, soul-stirring. That drove Zander nearly to the brink. His heart couldn’t take much more.

“Bae,” he moaned.

Their eyes stayed connected as the heat and passion rose to an astrological level. Zander wrapped his arms around Zsanine, lifting her to him. She felt his body quaking as he moved deeply inside her. Zsanine wrapped her legs around him, never wanting to let Zander go. The realization of that brought tears to Zsanine’s eyes. She didn’t want to let him go. She wanted what he wanted for her. The powerful thrusts grew faster, and she felt his manhood swell inside her walls. Zsanine panted, unable to catch her breath. The banging of the headboard against the wall grew to a fevered pounding as their hearts raised and Zander exploded inside her.

“Ugghh,” he growled, dropping his head into her bosom. They melded together like one person, Zsanine’s body being physically lifted from the bed from the power of the man moving inside her. They breathed and connected and shared and loved and exploded all in the same space.

There were more waves and aftershocks as Zsanine’s body couldn’t squelch the internal explosions. Zander held her snugly against his beautiful body. Finally, they both collapsed, exhausted. The rise and falls of their chests were still fast-paced and could barely be quieted. Zsanine reached up and brushed her curly tresses away from her face and then traced a delicate finger down Zander’s profile. Her eyes rolled to the top of her head as she tried to level her breathing.

As their breathing quieted and they realigned their energies, Zander gained Zsanine’s eyes.

“I thought I lost you,” he uttered, his deep throaty voice waxing sexily into her ears.

“You didn’t, babe,” Zsanine reassured. “I’m right here.”

“I can’t be without you like that ever again,” Zander continued, his heart-rendering emotionality tugging at the strings of Zsanine’s heart.

“You won’t,” she reassured. “You won’t.”

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