Page 15 of Master Baldor
I swore under my breath. That must have been what Imogen meant by in a bad way. “That woman attracts bad guys like honey to bees.”
Astrid was silent, regarding me.
I was thinking I should retreat and leave the headache behind when I saw the twins, Midge and Madge enter the bar. They weren’t really twins, but close friends who looked enough alike that we affectionately referred them to as “the twins”. I had played with them on and off for the past few years. I enjoyed their sweet little dispositions and only lately suspected they were more into the game of playing a Little than was actually their nature.
They were lovely to behold, dressed in matching babygirl dresses. Midge in purple and Madge in pink. The girls had similar physiques as well. Madge was only slightly heavier, with a wider slope to her hips.
They giggled when they saw me and rushed over to the bar.
“Daddy Baldor,” they said in unison, dropping a curtsey. The girl’s training was stellar and came through in all of their interactions. I would consider them professional Littles in that they knew exactly how to behave. They orchestrated everything they did with precision and negotiated every scene in advance. No one could take advantage of them. In their other personas, they ran a branding company.
“What are you two naughties up to?”
They swayed in place in perfect timing with each other. I tried really hard to remember why they’d been so appealing to me last year that I almost made them a proposal.
“We’re here to play with Master Rob,” answered Midge.
“But if we had known you would be here, we would have played with you instead,” Madge added.
“Girls.” I used my stern Daddy voice. “What would Daddy Rob say if he knew how disrespectful you two were being? Off you go before I tell your Daddy about your behavior.”
The girls’ expressions moved effortlessly from coquettish to chagrined right on cue.
“Bye, Daddy Baldor,” they sang as they moved off toward the dungeon.
“Like a couple of trained monkeys if you ask me. I don’t know what you ever saw in that pair.”
“Astrid, that is completely inappropriate.”
Astrid’s pale, humorless eyes regarded me.
“That girl in the back is completely untrained and in dire need of a firm hand, if you get my meaning.”
An image of Shelby’s pale globes bouncing under my punishing strokes played out and my cock seemed oblivious to the fact that she wasn’t what I was looking for. But maybe she could be, for now?
I finished my drink and handed Astrid a fifty-dollar bill.
“Keep the change.”
“I was going to,” she winked.
I shook my head quietly, ranting about disrespectful help as I followed the path to the playrooms. Despite my earlier thoughts, there was no way in hell I would leave her here when she was possibly in danger, and I could have done something about it. I wouldn’t allow any woman to be left to fend for herself.
I knocked on the door of the Middles’ room and there was no response, and no gaming sounds were emitting from within. That’s odd. I pressed my ear against the door but was met with silence. I opened the door and found the room in almost complete darkness. Scanning the area, I found a small hump under a blanket on the couch.
The lump stirred.
“Shelby, answer me.”
“What do you want?” Came back the sullen reply.
I closed the door and stepped over to the couch. “I’m checking in on you. What are you doing in the dark?”
“Hiding,” she said in a Little voice that broke my heart. Astrid was right, there was nothing practiced or trained in Shelby. She was raw, real, and clearly very upset.
“Shelby, honey, can you come out from under that blanket and tell me what’s going on?”