Page 25 of Master Baldor
I gazed over my shoulder at Baldor. “What’s it missing, Daddy?” I wiggled my behind enticingly.
He landed a hard spank across both cheeks. “The perfect shade of pink,” he answered before another crack landed.
An extended moan left my mouth. I dropped my head, submitting to the spanking that was coaxing the fire inside me to new heights. I was so horny, I arched into each spank, hoping for friction to bring me another release. But Daddy wasn’t done with me. He kept up the spanking until the heat on my ass was as hot as the internal one.
“I will take this naughty hole of yours, Shelby girl, but not tonight.”
“Please, Daddy, please, fuck me.”
A smack landed on my genitalia, igniting an entirely new fire as the sting transferred, making my clit thrum with need.
I heard him chuckle before spearing me. Now, as he pumped into my slick channel, his pelvis slapped my reddened backside with each thrust. Somewhere an overwhelming urge to feel him everywhere at once took hold. Imagining Noah’s cock filling all my holes at once seemed so depraved, yet I yearned to feel him take me everywhere. A zip of heat seared me and rippled up my spine. I screamed as another powerful orgasm hit me and pushed me off an edge I didn’t know was there.
“Yes. Yes. Yes!” I singsonged through gritted teeth. Fuck me senseless. The pounding of flesh filled my ears. Dropping my chest to the bed, I completely submitted to his grueling pace. No longer returning thrust for thrust, I disappeared and succumbed to the sensation of being taken, owned, marked.
Noah’s pace became frenzied as he chased his orgasm.
His hand landed on my ass with a loud smack, and my vaginal walls shuddered and spasmed around his thrusting cock. He pushed in and held my hips in a death grip as he pumped inside me. His hot seed set off another release for me, and I squeezed his cock in a responding death grip.
The sounds of panting replaced the slapping of skin on skin as we both fought to catch our breath. The inferno that had burned so brightly left us both sweaty and boneless. As the sweat dried, my body temperature cooling, I shivered.
“Time for a bath, sweetness.”
“Is that another nickname, Daddy-o?” I giggled as he smacked my ass.
“Wait here, I’ll get it ready.” Lying back on the bed, I gazed out at the city and lost myself in the twinkling lights until Daddy came back and scooped me up. I snuggled against his warm chest, feeling safe for the first time in forever.
His ensuite was just that, a suite easily the size of my apartment. Massive glass opened the room to the world, except there was no world to gaze back as Noah’s place was at the very top of the tallest building around.
“No one can see in even if we were on a lower level, sweet cheeks, no need to worry.”
I didn’t know what I found more surprising, that he had yet another nickname for me, or that he seemed capable of reading my mind.
“I wasn’t worried,” I lied. “I trusted you weren’t an exhibitionist.” Second lie.
Instead of putting me in the tub, Noah placed me facing the mirror. He planted his hands on either side, boxing me in. His eyes found mine in the mirror and held my gaze. My flush returned with his scrutiny, turning my skin a soft peach.
“Shelby, do you see that hairbrush?”
My gaze dropped and scanned his countertop, finding the heavy wooden hairbrush pretty quick. I gulped and nodded.
“Pass Daddy the hairbrush, Shelby.”
I reached and snagged the brush, surprised at its solidness. With a shaky hand, I held it out for Noah. What game is this? I felt unsure of myself as I waited for my next instruction.
“Because you have lied to Daddy, not once, but twice, you’re getting spanked with the hairbrush before I allow you in the tub. Now, stick your lovely ass out, Shelby, and receive your punishment. After each stroke, you will say, ‘Sorry, Daddy, I will never lie again’. Is that understood, little brat?”
Another nickname? “Yes, Sir.”
Noah leaned back from the counter, standing to his full height. Seeing us together was weird. Me leaning forward on my forearms made me level with his belly button, and my eyes stretched up to take in the steely look in his beautiful blue eyes.
The brush came down so fast that I squealed with shock. Then the sting kicked in and I attempted to reach back and rub the burning spot. It hurt, really hurt, and I wondered if dying from a spanking was possible. He waited for me to say my line, his stern expression increasing.
“There is a time limit to your response, Shelby. Unless you would like to earn more strokes, I suggest you apologize.”
“Sorry, Daddy, I will never lie again.”
The brush paddled my ass again. “Oweee. Sorry, Daddy, I will never lie again,” I got out through my gritted teeth. This was repeated four more times. He stopped after the first set, allowing me to catch my breath. I could feel the individual places where the hairbrush had struck and none of them were in the sit spot. I had a feeling he was saving the worst for last.