Page 3 of Master Baldor
Raia smiled. I admired what a stunning woman she was, tall, svelte, with hair down to her ass. She was more like every man’s fantasy, whereas I was more of a Daddy-Dom’s fantasy.
“Your girlfriend left you. Are you waiting for anyone, or are you alone tonight?”
“I needed to get out of the house and be around some human company, but I’ve just about reached my limit for human interaction.”
“Human,” Raia commented, “who are you with the rest of the time, aliens?”
A resistance inside, one I was unaware of, cracked, giggles erupting like a geyser. How long had it been since laughter had left these lips? The momentary camaraderie with Raia and Imogen was restorative.
“I’m a gamer and work alone, so, yeah, you could say I spend a lot of time with aliens.”
“I love video games,” Imogen spoke. “What’s your handle in the gaming world? I’ll like and follow your channel.”
I was about to answer that I didn’t share my identity in order to help keep my personal life private when a gorgeous man rounded the corner and approached us. Holy hell, he was the hottest hunk I’d ever seen with fair skin and Grecian characteristics. Beyond his features, though, it was the way he walked, more like stalked, reminiscent of models and pro athletes who are used to being observed that held me in thrall.
His eyes were wide and friendly when they turned on Raia. They knew each other. He nodded politely to Imogen, barely an acquaintance then. But when he looked at me, the blood froze in my veins. His eyes ran up and down me with interest. My legs instinctually squeezed together to hide the effect his perusal had on me.
No one said he was, but his Daddy vibe was pouring off his perfect physique in waves. My immediate attraction to him was ridiculous, a man who looked like that was used to being hit on all the time. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I shifted on my seat, pressing behind Imogen who was on the stool closest to the man advancing on us.
Don’t say anything stupid, Shelby, just keep breathing.
Good advice. I sat up straight and took a swig of water that Raia had sat down in front of me when I joined them at the bar.
“Master Baldor, what an unexpected pleasure,” Raia greeted. He reached across the bar to give her a barely-there hug and air-kissed both her cheeks.
“Hello, beautiful, what are you doing here?”
“Filling in for Rafe. Erik had a meeting with the senior staff, so I offered to keep my eye on things while they met. But you, I haven’t seen in too long. But wait, I’m being rude. Master Baldor, I believe you’ve met Imogen.”
He nodded and greeted the woman dressed all in black.
“And this is our new friend, Shelby.”
New friend?
As soon as we made eye contact, I dropped mine. His dominant hungry look was way too intense, way out of my comfort zone.
“Uh, I think it’s time for me to get going.” I stood up. Big mistake! Baldor towered over me, and I found my neck cranking up to take one last look at that gorgeous face I never expected to see again. “It was nice to meet you, Master Baldor.”
His smirk grew to a grin.
“Wait!” Raia reached over the bar, placing her hand on my arm. I wanted to luxuriate in the feel of warmth from her hand, but I also wanted to hustle out of this uncomfortable situation.
“We have a Middles’ room that is currently empty. Would you like to check it out?”
Baldor’s eyes studied me, and I got the feeling that my decision would affect whatever he was thinking.
“It’s early yet,” Raia continued. “The rooms don’t book out until later.” Her offer seemed friendly enough, with no alternate meaning in her words.
“Sure,” I answered shyly.
Imogen grabbed my hand, more human contact, and whisked me down to the play level. I felt Baldor’s eyes on me until we turned a corridor and were out of his sight from where he remained at the bar. Imogen showed me around and then left me to my own devices. I dropped on the couch and took a few deep breaths. Holy hell, what was that about? I wanted to say it was my imagination doing overtime. I had a very active one after all, but I couldn’t make up the type of intensity Master Baldor exuded. His power made my knees weak and my pussy wet.
Once in the Middles’ room, I was able to relax and sighed with the relief of being cloistered in a room that contained a young teen’s dream—bean bag chairs, low gaming rockers, and three awesome gaming systems—Microsoft Xbox Series X, Sony PlayStation 5, and the Nintendo Switch OLED.
Mounted above the systems on the wall were posters from classic 80s movies. What I considered the best decade of all time for teen flicks. There was a general agreeance in the world that the 80s had the best teen films out of any decade.
Deciding it was a PS night, I flipped through my options, and maybe it was because of having spent time with Dahlia, I don’t know, but I ended up picking Myth of Empires, a medieval knight game with epic battle scenes. I chose the character Elena, a female warrior who looked too young to be at war but kicked ass with her bow and arrows. She was running on the heels of the powerful knight, Baldor.