Page 33 of Master Baldor
Chapter 12
Yesterday had been a maelstrom of emotions, yet, after a good night’s sleep, I wasn’t convinced that everything was as it should be. Gabe and I strategized a game plan for security at Shelby’s apartment, deciding that he would enter her place pretending to look for a gas leak and install hidden cams not just in her place, but ones facing the front and rear entrances of the building. Her stalker may not have been bold enough to enter her apartment, yet, but he certainly had been watching from outside and we hoped to catch an image of him or his license plate number.
Later that evening, Gabriel got back to me after examining the perimeter of the building and found evidence of someone loitering around the back entrance as well as evidenced by the pile of cigarette butts and candy wrappers. Was this Rog Rouge? We had no idea, but we’d run a week of surveillance and see who popped up in the cam feed. I wasn’t at all convinced that the stalker and her ex, Peter, weren’t the same people.
After Gabe left and things went back to our new normal, Shelby and I had our talk in my office. I laid out a five-page form that listed out every single item I could think of regarding play, including things I had never done, mostly due to lack of interest, and things I had no interest in. The form was not for me though, it was to open up Shelby’s eyes to the lifestyle and provide her with hard and soft boundaries.
Shelby’s confusion was adorable, in that it cemented that she was new, and isn’t that exactly what I said I wanted?
“Daddy, what’s scat play?”
Her jaw dropped in shock. “What does one do with the poop?”
She screwed up her face as I explained the dynamics of scat play. Not something I personally was interested in, but some Littles had been open to exploring it. From Shelby’s expression, she wasn’t one of them.
I enjoyed this process of intensely observing all of her physical reactions to the list and my explanations. What she said with her mouth and her body didn’t always correlate. For my part, I made notes regarding those items that were in question, of which food play was one.
Reactions would tell me more about her truths than her tick marks on the piece of paper would. Knowing Shelby better than many others I’d played with, I knew she would tick off things because they sounded reasonable or acceptable, and on a few, like anal sex, would assume I wanted these things checked. She was still so new she didn’t realize the ramifications of her decisions in a scene not with me. She would think some of these should be acceptable because she would assume I would want them. It was a rookie move that I had dealt with many times before. After some play and training with me, I would go over this again with her to ensure she fully understood what she was agreeing to with other Daddy-Doms in the world of kink.
In the meantime, the key to getting honest answers was to only answer questions and not offer personal preferences, allowing her to decide what was worth trying with me.
I knew a lot of Doms who liked shibari; Loki, in fact, was a brilliant shibari Dom. He would never have a submissive who wasn’t interested in rope play. Most shibari Doms sought partners who went into subspace simply by being artfully restrained in the ropes.
As we continued through the list, I was happy that she wasn’t averse to trying most sensation tools. I loved moving through different tools that delivered completely different feelings on the skin. Sensation play could be straight-up pleasure or pain for those who enjoyed that type of play. Not my scene but I’d seen Loki push a pain sub to their limits and watched them soar into subspace. The man was very talented with a whip.
Shelby put an x beside fire play, which was fine with me. I had done it, but for me, it was more a visual crowd-pleaser. I hadn’t yet played with a sub who went into subspace from fire play although I knew they were out there.
When Shelby reached the Dd/lg list, I zeroed in on her body language.
· Littles list of must haves—
Pacifier, Onesies, Sippy Cups, Overalls, Band-Aids, Stockings or Socks With Cute Designs, Diapers, Bottles, Cute Jammies and Footies, Rompers, Teethers, Hair Scrunchies, Cute Clippies and Bows, Ear Headbands, Clip-On Tails, Paw Gloves, Paci Clips, Plushies And Stuffies, Polly Pockets, Barbies.
“Band-Aids? Only if I’m actually injured, is that what you’re asking?”
Poor Shelby, she had no idea what being a Little/Little entailed.
She ticked off Band-Aids.
· Littles/Middles
Nintendo DS/Gameboy/Tamagotchi, Coloring Books, Play-Doh, Blankies and Soft Throws, Cutie Sheets, Posters/Wall Decals, Play Mat/Rug, Inside Playhouse/Tent, Arts and Crafts Table, Action Figures.
“Action figures like the ones you buy in comic stores? Then hell to the yes. I love figurines but only have a few that I’ve collected from using Marketplace on Facebook.”
I swallowed my comment on her use of the word hell, reminding myself that she was a Middle, not a Little. There would be no washing out of the mouth with soap unless the words were a little heavier. She had ticked off mouth washing but only after I had explained that harsh curse words would be the only words that got her into trouble and only after a warning would she warrant a mouth full of soap suds.
A big tick beside game systems, and half ticks beside Play-Doh.
“May I ask why you have a half tick there, Shel?”
She looked embarrassed. “I’ve never played with it, and I have no idea if I would like it. I went to a pottery class once with Dahlia and I loved it, but pottery classes are expensive. You have to book time and pay for the clay.”