Page 40 of Master Baldor
I matched the strike on her left cheek and admired the two blooming pink circles that appeared. I brought the paddle down at the base of her cheeks and drew upward in the swing. Shelby emitted a tiny shriek, bouncing on her toes but hung on to the desk. When she’d calmed down, I delivered five more in quick succession, all aimed at the sit spot and drawing the flesh up upon impact.
Shelby was breathing hard, her body covered in a light sheen with her effort to stay in place and accept her punishment. I aimed the next six at the fleshiest part, the center of her cheeks, and she took those well. The last half dozen I reserved for the tops of her thighs.
I brought the paddle down on the crease between her ass and thighs. Shelby bucked her hips then tapped on her toes, an attempt to ease the heat in her backside, but all it did was set that delightfully reddened ass to shaking seductively. How I wanted to drop that paddle and sink my cock into her hot swollen folds. But this was a punishment and there would be no sex following the session.
Before she had completely stilled, I smacked the other sit spot. She repeated the same dance but didn’t let go. I moved down her right thigh two times, and she cried out with each one. Then I moved down her left and when all twenty were done, I stroked her ass to remove a bit of the bite she was feeling.
“Good job, Shelby. Now, please go back to the corner. You have five minutes before round two.”
Shelby let go and I helped to steady her. Once she was securely in the corner. I sat down, gazing at her red swollen globes. I’d spanked a lot of beautiful bums in my time, but she had the finest. I was excited by the idea of owning her ass in more ways than one, sinking my cock into that little rosette.
“Shelby, back to the desk please, and grip the other side.”
She shuffled back and leaned over the desk, gripping the other side.
I grabbed the strop. I flicked the thick leather in the air, making it sing before it landed on her backside. There was a pause before Shelby let go of the desk to grip her ass.
“Oweee, Daddy, that really hurt.”
Finally, we were getting somewhere. “It’s supposed to, my little brat. Consequences hurt. Perhaps this will help you remember the next time you want to throw a tantrum. Now back over the desk, and this time you will count, Shelby. We will begin at one.”
“But that’s not fair. You already did one.”
“Yes, and I told you that if you let go of the desk, we would start over.”
Without another word of argument, Shelby leaned over the desk and gripped the edge. I whipped the leather across her sit spot. “One,” she shouted. I repeated on the same spot. “Two,” she cried out.
I whipped the leather across both thighs.
“Ahh! Daddeee! Three.”
I moved down, just slightly overlapping the last spot.
“I’m soo sorreee, Daddeee.”
Finally. “Count, Shelby.”
“Good girl.”
I laid down two more, then made my way to her sit spot, repeating the upstroke that I’d used with the paddle. Shelby screeched and hung on and called out her last two strokes. She was crying hard, and although I had wanted to carry on and get the rest out of the way, Shelby was almost at her limit and needed a break.
I drew her up and hugged her to my chest. “Shh, it’s okay, little one, we’re almost done.”
I held her until her sobbing gave way to cooing with the occasional hiccup. I needed to finish this.
“Last five, Shelby, then we’ll talk.” I turned her around and gently pressed her down to the desk. Once she had hold of the other side. I picked up the cane swishing it through the air a few times making it sound far deadlier than it was.
Shelby’s battered buttocks squeezed in anticipation. When she unclenched, I brought the reed down on her sit spot.
“OUCHIE!” she squealed and broke down into sobs once again. Not giving her any recovery time, I moved the cane to the next spot and brought it down with deliberate speed. Her sobs didn’t subside as I carried through on the last three strokes.
I drew Shelby to her feet and cuddled her to my chest for a moment before scooping her up in my arms. I cradled her until she calmed down. Then placed her on my lap as I sat. She attempted to lift off, but I wouldn’t have it, pressing her back onto my thighs.
“Confession time, Shelby.”
“I’m afraid.”