Page 43 of Master Baldor
Well, unless all of your problems were out there, but the outside world was only half my concern. Playing this extended scene with Noah was dangerous for me the longer it went on. Could life really be this perfect? The struggle was real, my life struggles were real and in keeping with the scurrying people and impatient drivers below.
The world that Noah lived in was on a whole other scale, as I imagined it was for his friends, his fraternity brothers whom he called family. Would he introduce me to the others? Would I be presented to them for their approval? I hadn’t asked yet, but often wondered how it worked when someone was brought into the fold. Did you need the rest of the group’s acceptance?
You don’t need to know, cause you’ll never find out. He’s on loan to you, not yours.
Depressing but true. I reined in my thoughts, not wishing to think about the inevitable and just enjoy what I had for now.
Since meeting with Gabriel, things had been amazingly smooth for me. With a new phone that was apparently hack proof, nothing came through from my stalker and we hoped he would lose interest and move on now that I wasn’t such easy prey. Gabe said my sponsors had decent infrastructure, but their records were hackable, and added encryption software ensuring my personal information was safe. We changed all the passwords and he taught me multiple little tricks to watch out for, backdoors that hackers tried all the time. Looking back on how I’d been living my life and my choices all seemed so juvenile compared with all I’d learned since being under Noah’s roof.
I would be forever grateful for the boost up he’d given me and for having a break from being alone. I had unexpected perks since I’d temporarily moved homes, like my followers had almost doubled and I’d moved up. My sponsors noticed and emailed a new contract. Daddy went over it with a fine-tooth comb, making adjustments, and sent it back. Even in an email, Noah is not someone to mess with. I got everything I’d been working so hard to get. When our inevitable separation happened, I’d be in good shape financially and wouldn’t have to worry about things like I had before.
Even Albert had blossomed here. Looking over at my only plant, I admired how his long shoots had thickened, now completely hiding the wire hangers that held his branches. I sighed. I could feel the end coming soon. A shift was in the air, like when a bad guy you hadn’t been anticipating catches you completely off guard, and you lose a life. Only in the real world, we didn’t get three lives like in the games.
Long after my mug was empty, I finally got out of bed, checking out my ass in the mirror. I admired Noah’s work, the faint lines were stacked neatly, one above the other. He’s administered a spanking with ruthless attention paid to ensuring every inch of skin was perfectly striped, like everything he did. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of my ass. Nothing wrong with wanting to remember a perfect punishment.
Dammit, Noah, why not just keep me?
This was a very good question, why not?
You know why, silly girl, you’re not a Little.
I muttered at myself to shut up as I entered the shower, allowing the water to massage away the lingering stiffness in my body.
In my walk-in, I looked for something super soft to wear on my ass and found a bunny onesie with a cottontail. Ha! This would do nicely! I threw my damp hair into a messy bun and went in search of sustenance and found a note from Noah on the counter.
You will find a plate filled with all kinds of good things in the warmer in the oven. Please be careful and wear oven mitts to take out your plate.
I rolled my eyes. How stupid did he think I was?
Please turn the oven off after you have removed your plate.
A reminder that I will be back by four for our special evening. There is no dress code for this, just be comfortable and have your hair up out of the way.
Out of the way of what? I flipped the note over, but there was nothing else. Except for Daddy Baldor in big flourishing letters. Well, that was a hint, at least I knew our date was a Daddy date
I removed my plate and considered leaving the oven on to be a brat but as soon as my ass hit the bar stool, I knew that wasn’t a good idea and promptly returned to the oven to turn it off before consuming a breakfast of eggs, sausages, and pancakes. I’d eaten better in the few weeks since I’d been at Noah’s than I had the rest of my life put together, filling out a bit and looking a little curvier. At least I thought so when I examined my body in the mirror.
Why had I never been interested in being healthy? I hadn’t been dirt poor, and could have eaten better, learned to cook, and all that. But it just seemed hard and not worth the effort.
Worth. Your self-worth sucked and you know it.
That was some hard truth, but yeah, my self-worth was low and had been since the temporary foster home I’d been in.
I needed to change my thoughts. I was thinking too much, and it would create anxiety and most likely ruin my date with Daddy. Killing aliens sounded like just the ticket. Hours later, as I searched through my closet for the perfect outfit for our date, I was in infinitely better spirits.
“Hello, sexy.”
“Yikes!” I screamed, spinning around. Noah stood at the entrance, arms crossed, wearing a chagrined look as if that was apology enough for scaring the crap out of me.
“Were you a ninja in your past life? Stop sneaking up on me or I swear to god I’m going to have a heart attack one of these days.”
“I’m sorry, GG, I’ll work on alerting you to my presence. I like the bunny onesie, so please keep it on if you’re comfortable, or you could wear these.”
Noah handed me a gift-wrapped package, and I raced to the bed, tearing off the paper. I opened the lid reverently and pulled out the coveted Big Blues that he’d tried to buy me before.
“How? I thought these didn’t exist?”