Page 45 of Master Baldor
The end product was amazing. We sat humming while we ate the best cheese pizza I’d ever tasted. After my last slice, I leaned back undoing the zipper of my jeans.
“You realize, of course, that all this eating is making me fat. Just look.” I pointed at my belly, which looked exactly the same as it had yesterday: flat.
“You’re right, you seem to be filling out, I guess no dessert for you.”
Noah broke out in peals of laughter while I landed soft kitten-like punches on him. I wasn’t really upset. In fact, seeing him so lighthearted was starting to do things to me, and I hoped our date night would end with some sexy time.
“Come on, brat, while I’m cleaning up, I have a job for you.”
I followed Noah to the kitchen and watched in fascination as he pulled out jar after jar of candy, then several liters of ice cream. “Can you please make us ice cream sundaes? We can eat them and watch the sunset. How does that sound?”
“Perfect, that how it sounds, totally perfect.”
Noah handed me two large sundae bowls, and I got busy layering ice cream and candy. We finished at the same time and took our giant bowls once again out to the deck. We munched in silence this time, while the sun slowly sank behind the horizon.
Noah stacked our bowls and took my hand. “Come on, princess, I have plans for you tonight.”
I felt a shiver of anticipation race down my spine. I just knew it had to be Sexy Time.