Page 9 of Master Baldor
Chapter 4
The lifestyle had offered me many opportunities to play and develop my tastes throughout the years. My tendency toward Littles specifically started with an unusual trio of female friends who showed up at a Halloween party our fraternity was hosting.
Freya, our honorary female frat member and who we considered one of us, invited some girlfriends to our party. A trio of them showed up in Baby Spice outfits. Until the party, I had no idea who Baby Spice was. The trio of giggling blondes had given me a lesson that night. Gorgeous adult women dressed as those baby dolls, giving me the large doe eyes, drove me wild, and they knew it.
I spent the next few months playing with the three women, sometimes together, but more often alternating. Kimberly was the early days Baby Spice, complete with barrettes in her long hair and a mini dress with over-the-knee schoolgirl socks. Her boobs were small, adding to the impossibly young age she looked in her get up. Her ass, though, was full and fleshy, a lot like Shelby’s, and was my canvas for desiring, and learning upon.
We discovered we enjoyed role-play with “school” being in our top two. Playing the principal, teacher, and stern Daddy to the young Kimberly is what woke up the Daddy buried inside me. I believe that until that moment, I’d been pushing down my desires to be different, to explore an atypical aspect of sexuality. I already had enough attention, more than I could handle. Drawing more notice to myself was the last thing I wanted. I found, however, that playing with the girls made me feel empowered and less affected by the world’s reaction to me. Spectacular sex always followed these make-believe sessions, but despite all the excitement and sexual satisfaction, she wasn’t my cup of tea.
Louanne was the Baby Spice who liked to dress in baby doll pajamas and had her hair up in two high ponytails. While not a natural blonde, her hair always looked like it belonged on a pale pony, and I loved grabbing them and tugging her head however I wished. She enjoyed playing as a younger Little and really got off on being a toddler. Of the three, the effects of play lasted longer than the other two players. Looking back, she was probably a real Little, but I wasn’t even sure what that was back then.
Baby Spice number three was Stacy and a total quandary. She had issues—Daddy issues—and I sometimes felt that our play was more of an enactment from a fantasy or her past experiences. Our encounters left me feeling deeply connected, yet troubled by what we shared. Back then, didn’t all young adults think from a place of self? I think kids in general are a little narcissistic until we grow up and realize that it’s not all about us. I was more interested in being as incognito as I could because having what my mother called godlike beauty was a pain in the ass. I had to learn how to work with unwanted attention, and how to overcome it. I think that’s what made me so interested in the DD/lg play in college. Being on the dominant side, instead of the reactive side, taught me a lot of control. Playing with the girls taught me a lot about myself and my strengths. I continued to develop those and became known as the Daddy-Dom of the group.
Looking back years later, I should have spent more time with Stacy, helping her with her issues. I know that now, but back then, I summed up everything as an experience to be used for the future. I never looked at those three or anyone else in the early days as being part of that future.
Many women and more than a decade of club play had taught me a lot. Yet apparently not enough because here I was playing with someone I’d already decided wasn’t for me, and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why.
As I parted Shelby’s legs and took in her cleanly waxed mound, I realized I liked her body a lot. She was a unique blend of tomboy and woman. She was strong but tiny, like a ferocious kitten. I could picture her batting at me with her paw and barely scratching my skin. Her eyes were more violet than gray and shone bright with some inner light I found fascinating. What could extinguish such a light, attached to a strong will like Shelby’s?
Roaming her body, her pert nipples puckered into tight berries resembling candy that my mouth watered to taste. Leaning over her prone body, I suckled each in turn. Shelby, enjoying the attention, arched her back, pressing her breasts firmly against my mouth.
The naughty girl was attempting to gain control without words. Now would be a good time to let her know how this playdate was going down.
“Shelby, we need some rules before we go any further.” Her pupils dilated, but otherwise, no reaction was forthcoming.
“You will call me Daddy and do exactly as I command. As we haven’t had time to go through a list of your boundaries, I’m relying on you to use your words when you are not comfortable with something I’m doing. Can you do that for me?”
Her adorable pink tongue flickered over her plump rosebud lips before answering. “Yes, Daddy. Red for stop, yellow for edging toward my limit, and green for go, or please don’t stop,” she said and giggled.
I loved the sound she made when she was happy. So pure, like happy bells or birds in springtime.
Seriously, dude? You’re losing it!
No kidding, what the hell was wrong with me, noticing every single thing about this woman?
“Good girl. Is there anything you want to tell me, anything you feel is very pertinent before I go any further?”
“I’m not a baby.” No attitude this time. She straight-up shared her position.
“I understand, but this is sex, not role-playing, although I know that there can be triggers that would be positive and would add to your pleasure.”
I leaned down and kissed her, claiming her lips, her tongue, her mouth, devouring her like the beast my desires were driving me to be. I was still dressed when she had her first orgasm from breast play. That was a first, and by the expression of surprise, it was a first for her too. Something about making a woman come just from nipple stimulation ignited a deeper need in me to give Shelby pleasure until she couldn’t take any more, chalking this up to the best night of her sexual life. Not wasting her essence, I dove between her legs and ran my tongue between her swollen lips, teasing her. Tasting her unique flavor of sweetness—a peach I could eat forhours, I dug my tongue in, expertly curling it forward so I would hit that sensitive bud hiding behind its silky hood. Shelby exploded on my tongue, filling me with more of her intoxicating taste. I pressed her lips apart with my hands. Exposing her clit, I sucked hard. Shelby screamed as her body convulsed with an orgasm.
Every cry, moan and mewl I drew from her body, hardened my cock. Every orgasm I pulled from her sent pulses of pleasure down my shaft.
Grabbing hold of her ass, I buried my face in her cleft and she screamed. Her orgasm coated my tongue in her sweet juices. I squeezed both cheeks as I continued to lap inside her entrance.
“Oh my. Yes,” she panted, “yes, Daddy, please, squeeze harder.”
I did and she fell apart, her juices coating my tongue once again. My little Middle liked a bit of pain. That knowledge sent a painful spasm to my cock, and I decided it was time to unleash him.
Standing, I toed off my shoes and undid my belt. Shelby’s eyes grew larger as she watched. She no doubt had felt my hard-on pressing into her hip during her spanking and had an idea as to my size. But when I pulled my boxers down, her jaw dropped.
Despite my height and size being comparatively large, my cock was larger still, and her surprise was no surprise to me. Her eagerness was an exception to the general response many women I’d played with had the first time they saw my engorged cock, which inspired fear or excitement. Shelby was neither of those. Her narrowed eyes, and hitched breath, gave away how needy she was to have me sink my length inside her.
When I was naked, I replaced Shelby on the couch, wanting her on my lap so I could see her face and watch those adorable little tits bounce as I impaled her. I lifted Shelby, moving her juicy entrance to hover over my erection. She wrapped her arms around my neck, placed her feet on the floor, and pressed her hips down. She slid over me inch by inch, her tight moist sheath gripping me as I sunk my entire length inside her sweet pussy.