Page 13 of Dom (The Pack 4)
“I’ve never doubted you, Dom.” He glanced away. “It got away from me,” he admitted with a heavy sigh. “The loneliness doesn’t normally bother me, but…I should have paid more attention.”
“I should have too.” I squeezed his shoulder. “But you’re here now.” I snorted. “Perfect timing as usual.”
“We’ll keep her safe,” he vowed, then plucked at his shirt sheepishly. “After I get a few meals in me.”
I nodded, glancing back at the school where she sat, oblivious to the danger she was in, and some of my concern eased, knowing I could depend on Trent. “Stay to this side of the woods. We’ll go for a run tonight.” I wanted to show him the border and have him pick up Jess’ scent, and running together would ease his wolf’s anxiety. “I need to get back. You’ll be okay out here?”
“I’m good,” he promised, slipping further into the woods. “I’ll go for a hunt. Meet you back here.” I could sense his need to be alone, weary from our interaction, and nodded as he disappeared from sight. We were pack animals by nature, but sometimes it conflicted with our human desire to be independent.
When I finally got to the Field House, Coach Bryant jerked his head at me. “Principal’s office,” he said and I cursed. “Yeah,” he muttered sympathetically. “I don’t blame you. She’s a hot little thing.”
My fist slammed into his jaw with the force of an anvil and as he went down, I grimaced, knowing I’d just made the situation worse, but unable to regret it.
“Inappropriate,” I growled, ignoring the stunned expressions of the other coaches and students who’d witnessed me punch him, but hadn’t heard what he’d said. I stepped over his prone body, resisting the urge to slam my foot in his gut as rage surged through me all over again at his comment.
One of the other assistant coaches ran over to help Bryant, but when I walked past he hesitated, drawing back at my glare. “Leave him,” I snarled and he nodded rapidly as he scurried backwards.
Angry strides took me to the office and the secretary let out a squeak when I slammed the door open. “He wants to see me,” I informed her as I headed straight for the inner office.
“There’s – ”
I didn’t hear the rest of what she said as I opened the principal’s door and startled the teacher propped on the edge of his desk.
“Regina,” I remarked, somehow unsurprised to see her in there. She was friends with Lauren, and a tattletale. “Apparently, the rumors are true.” She froze, staring at me in horror as I said, “You are a cock sucker.”
The principal cleared his throat, adjusting himself as he stood up. “Coach Navarre, glad you could stop by,” he said jovially, ignoring my remarks as Regina Nichols huffed. “Gina, could you give us a minute?” She stomped past me, her eyes burning, closing the door hard enough the glass rattled.
“It was brought to my attention that you were fraternizing with a student,” the principal started, his voice fading as he took in my expression. I braced my hands on his desk, commanding the space as he stared at me.
“If you mean, I found a student wandering the halls and escorted them to the cafeteria that would be correct. Anything else would be an insult to my character,” I replied silkily as he swallowed.
“You can see how it appears.”
“No, I can’t.”
“She sat with you at lunch,” he blustered. “Showing a student preferential treatment –”
“She sat with Anna,” I interrupted as my fingers curled into his desk, my nails lengthening and sharpening. His expression became cautious as deep grooves appeared in the wood of his desk. “Are we clear?” He nodded and I straightened so fast he flinched backwards. “Glad we could have this talk.” I left him standing there stunned, as I closed the door gently behind me.
I paused as I was about to leave, turning back to the secretary. “Nancy.”
“Yes, Coach Dom?” She gave me a bright smile, no doubt aware of what had just happened.
“Can you give me the class schedule for Jess Carter?”
“You want me to go?” Caleb asked questioned as we waited outside the four hundred hall and I shook my head.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” I muttered, remembering Anna’s panicked message that Ms. Nichols was holding Jess after class. “Regina could be going over an assignment with her.” Caleb shot me a doubtful look and I sighed. “Okay, probably not, but Jess seems capable.”
Anna was stationed at the front of the school while Caleb and I had the back entrance, waiting for Jess to appear. I wanted to confirm no one had harassed her about my apparently preferential treatment.
“Yeah, but it’s a teacher. We’re taught to respect our elders,” Caleb reminded me, wiggling his eyebrows pointedly.
“Are you trying to say something?” I snapped and he ducked his head. I exhaled, striving for patience. “Go,” I finally barked, not willing to admit my own concern. He ran off as I pinched the bridge of my nose, struggling not to eavesdrop mentally on their conversation while they were out of sight.