Page 61 of Dom (The Pack 4)
“Would you like to come in?” She asked, unlocking the door, and surprise shot through me at her invitation. A deep breath verified no one was there, which meant going into her apartment was bordering on idiotic.
“Foolish,” I grumbled to myself low enough she couldn’t hear, and followed her inside anyway.
Chapter Fifteen
“Welcome to our humble abode. The tour will be quick since we’re standing in the living room, dining room, and kitchen,” she said brightly, setting down her backpack carefully, I noted with approval, after seeing her put the gun back inside it. “There’s a bedroom and bath over there and my bedroom …is over there.” She waved vaguely to the other side of the apartment, suddenly looking apprehensive to my amusement. It seemed she was regretting inviting the big bad wolf inside. Her face turned a rosy color and I wondered what thoughts had caused her to blush.
As I stared at her curiously her cheeks flushed an even brighter red.
“I’d love to know what’s going through that head of yours right now,” I admitted, almost groaning when her tongue darted out nervously to moisten her lips. I dragged in a deep breath and then cursed. “This was a bad idea,” I muttered under my breath, but she must have heard as she glanced at me curiously. “Your scent is everywhere. It saturates the air.”
“Oh,” she uttered, glancing away quickly and I moved toward the door, needing to leave for my sanity.
“No!” She grabbed me before I could open the door and started tugging me toward her room to my astonishment. I didn’t budge and she finally gave up, muttering in exasperation, “My dad just showed up.”
I followed her after that, letting her lead me into her bedroom where she slammed the door shut behind us. If there had been a lock I was sure she’d have thrown it too.
“Is there a reason you brought me here?” I asked, my nostrils flaring as her scent coated the air, and I tried to ignore the bed by the wall. If she had been in heat, I would have had to bust the window to breathe.
“I didn’t want my dad to see you here.”
“Because then I’d have to explain why a teacher was standing in the living room…a gorgeous teacher who owns a Jeep that comes to pick me up every day,” she finished, glancing at the door like it was going to fly open any second.
“That’s what you took from that?” She questioned in disbelief right as I heard the front door slam open.
“BUNNY!” Her Dad shouted, his voice livid. Jess’s forehead wrinkled and she looked confused, but I was stuck on Bunny.
“Bunny?” I mouthed, my eyes widening as I fought to hold in a laugh. She glared at me, but a second later her Dad pounded on the door.
“Open up, Bunny. You have some explaining to do!”
“One minute,” she called out frantically, looking around the room in desperation. I scanned the space, wondering what she was looking for? Something to brace the door? Because I could hold it closed if necessary.
“NOW!” He rattled the doorknob threateningly and I froze when she shouted, “I’m naked!”
The doorknob stopped shaking and I stared at her in shock, definitely not wanting her Dad to open the door and find me standing there now.
“Two minutes and I’m coming in there, naked or not,” her Dad threatened and she motioned to me, pantomiming like she was getting on all fours. I stared at her in confusion, not sure why we were suddenly playing charades, and she whisper shouted, “Shift!”
“What is going on, young lady?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dad. I took a shower when I got home.”
“From school?”
“And when was that?”
“A little while ago,” she called back, sounding distracted and I realized she was watching me strip. I smirked as I shimmed out of my boxer briefs, enjoying the way her mouth dropped open. A moment later, I shifted and a massive black wolf stood in my place.
The door burst open and her Dad stood there panting, his expression furious as he stared at her, completely missing my oversize wolf on the other side of the room as he glared at her.
“You cut class,” he accused, his mouth tight as he stared at her in disappointment.
“I did,” I admitted, not even glancing at Dominic’s wolf form for fear of drawing Dad’s attention to him. “I had a good reason.”
“Oh, and what would that be?” He demanded to know, his arms crossed.
“I was helping a friend,” she started to say, and I could tell she was scrambling to come up with something that didn’t involve wolf shifters.
“A friend,” Dad echoed. “With what?”
“Dog sitting.” she said, wincing when I let out a low growl and she rubbed her hands together nervously as her Dad slowly turned, noticing me for the first time. I was tempted to shift and end this folly immediately, but giving her Dad a heart attack probably wasn’t going to put me in her good graces.