Page 63 of Dom (The Pack 4)
She took a deep breath and told me in a severe voice, “Forget you ever heard him call me Bunny and I’ll never mention you and obedience training in the same sentence.”
She held out her hand and I eyed it disdainfully before reluctantly placing my paw into it. I didn’t care to be blackmailed after I’d helped her, but there was no way in hell I’d ever allow anyone to find out I’d done dog tricks.
She had to brace herself against the weight of my paw since it was at least twice the size of her hand but she shook it gamely, muttering, “Good, we have a deal.”
I lowered my paw, trotted over to the bed, and jumped on it, daring her to say anything. She sighed, eyeing the open door, but didn’t comment. It wasn’t like she could move me off the bed anyway.
Dinner was better than expected since her Dad gave me an enormous T-bone, which I happily gnawed on. Her Dad finally stopped muttering about expensive appetites when Jess excused herself saying she had homework.
“Aren’t you going to take him out?” Her Dad asked and some of my goodwill toward him vanished. Jess froze in place, clearly not sure and my lip curled.
“Right,” she answered, turning around. “I will take him outside.” Her grin looked forced as she added, “He probably needs to stretch his legs anyway.”
“Does he need a leash?”
I growled at that idea and she closed her eyes.
“No, he comes on command,” she replied, going to the door.
“Come, Domi….no,” she called, catching herself before she used my real name. I got to my feet and went to her, bumping her out of the way so she couldn’t go out before me. She smiled faintly not seeming to mind my protectiveness.
I sniffed the air, and my ears went forward, as I listened for anything unusual. “All clear?” I questioned Trent over the link. He assured me everything was fine. I stepped outside as she trailed behind me. Once we’d turned the corner of the building, I bumped her again, herding her toward the wall to wait for me. I bobbed my head up and down, wanting her to wait. She eyed me curiously, clearly as bad at charades as I was. Finally, she nodded and sank down, leaning her back against the wall. I stared at her sternly and she muttered defensively, “I’ll sit right here until you come back.”
I nodded in satisfaction at her answer, and ran to the woods to check in with the Pack. I let out a howl, and it wasn’t long before several others answered, reassuring me there had been no attacks from the Hanleys. Once I was sure they would be fine, I returned to Jess.
Her head was raised to the sky as a blanket of stars hung over us. I bumped her with my nose, trying not to frighten her. She glanced at me, her eyes meeting mine instantly in the darkness.
She reached out, her hand hovering over the fur behind my ear, asking for permission to pet me. I tilted my head back, allowing her hand to make contact and she took that as permission. Her fingers sank deep into the thick fur of my neck and as she massaged, I hummed in pleasure. Her touch soothed me and I could forgive the whole dog thing if she would just continue to scratch my ears.
She started talking, the quiet darkness giving her the courage to open up.
“My mom is a bitch. Cold hearted and selfish. She only wants to win and I swear she’d do anything so she can. She needs to control everything. Including me.” I settled my head on her knee as she spoke, encouraging her to continue. “She told me I was dead to her when I chose to live with Dad. Told me I was nothing but a waste and a mistake. That if it hadn’t been for me and the fact that Dad stopped her from getting an abortion, she’d have been free a long time ago.” I let out a low rumble and she shook her head. “I’m not upset about it. With my mother, a lie could be the truth and the truth nothing but a lie.” She let out a sigh as her gaze went back to the stars above. “She just has to win,” she said bitterly. “She has to be right, no matter what.” She plunged her hand deeper into my fur, rubbing the scruff around his neck roughly. “She knows how much I want to see Europe. It was supposed to be my senior trip, but she made sure when they got divorced that it was canceled. Now, she wants to dangle living in Europe in front of me.” I turned my head at this news keeping my gaze alert and curious, as I fought back a sudden need to hide her away. “My stepfather was transferred,” she explained. “The European office. She wants me to live with them. Spend my senior year there.” I made a noise, half growl and half groan, torn between wanting her safe, and losing my mind at the thought of her being thousands of miles away from me.