Page 65 of Dom (The Pack 4)
Quickly, I shifted, leaping lightly on the bed and she rolled toward my body, her fingers burying themselves in my thick fur. I relaxed, knowing she was safe by my side, and slept next to her.
I woke the instant she did, but didn’t move, curious what her reaction would be this morning to having slept with me. She wiggled, bumping against my immovable form, then grunted as shoved at the paw I’d planted against her back when she’d had a bad dream. She eventually gave up and got out of the bed or at least tried.
The thump of her knee hitting the floor led me to crack open a lazy eye and I met her glare as she stood up.
“You’re a bed hog!” She accused, propping her hands on her hips.
Seeing that there would be no hysterics from her, I closed the single eye I’d bothered to open, ignoring when she slapped my flank, the touch barely noticeable.
“I have school,” she reminded me with a grumble and I snorted, snuggling deeper into the soft bed. This from the girl who had refused to get up early when I’d asked. She gave up and walked to the closet, laughing under her breath. I watched her through slitted eyes, exhaling in relief when she gathered her clothes and took them to the bathroom.
I padded after her as she went to the kitchen where her Dad had a bowl of cereal waiting for her. I sat silently, observing them as I got a front row seat into her life with her dad.
“Think you can manage to stay at school all day today?” He asked Jess, plopping the milk down in front of her.
“I should,” She answered casually, woofing down the cereal as my stomach grumbled. “Do I need an excuse for yesterday?” She added carefully and he snorted.
“Lucky for you, I told them I’d forgotten to call and let them know you had to leave.”
“Thanks, Dad,” SHe said cheerfully, smiling at him. He only lifted his eyebrows meaningfully, so she added, “It won’t happen again.”
“Let’s hope not or I’m going to have to figure out some way to punish you.”
“Cleaning dirty motel rooms isn’t enough?” She asked dryly and he swallowed an involuntary grin.
“Alright, let’s not have you turning this around on me,” he said defensively as she laughed. “Did anyone ever tell you, you’d make a damn good lawyer?”
“Only the man who spawned me, and he’s slightly biased.”
I stood as I heard the Jeep pull up outside and padded across the room.
“That is one damn big dog,” her Dad muttered under his breath as I went to the door and gazed at it expectantly. “You need to go out, boy?” He called, his voice pitched high enough to hurt my ears. My normal inclination to snarl was tempered by his obvious love for my Jess, and I didn’t react as Jess rushed over.
She peeked out the window, spotting the Jeep.
“Actually, our ride is here,” she told him and he gave me an impressed glance.
“Smart dog,” he said and Jess mumbled, “You have no idea.”
She slipped out the door with me on her heels. I waited for her to yank the door open and then easily jumped in.
“Way to make it look easy,” she grumbled, grabbing the seat to haul herself inside. I was already in the back, pulling on the clothes they’d brought for me. Anna kept her eyes politely averted, but Caleb was laughing as he eyed me through the rearview mirror.
“How was your night as a dog?” Caleb snorted, ducking when I reached around to slap the back of his head.
“Better than yours,” I retorted, slipping a shirt over my head. “I slept in a warm bed. You?”
Caleb flipped me the bird as Jess lifted an eyebrow questioningly to Anna.
“Caleb had night watch since Dominic was with you,” she explained, smiling at Caleb who also grinned.
“Anna kept me company,” he said and I saw Jess glance meaningfully at Anna.
“Yeah, cause last time you fell asleep,” I interjected flatly causing Caleb flushed.
“Have they decided if they’ll attack or not?” Jess asked hesitantly, not sure if it was her business. We exchanged glances but I was the one who finally answered.
“No. No decision has been made.” My jaw worked as I spoke and I knew Jess caught on that I wasn’t happy with the lack of a decision.
“You think they’ll attack soon, don’t you,” she stated.
“It’s only a matter of time,” I answered, catching Caleb’s expression. He looked like he wanted to argue, and Jess noticed.
“You disagree?” Jess asked him directly and Caleb gave her a startled glance. She kept her expression blank, but Caleb had no idea what he’d gotten himself into. Jess would push until she had her answer.
“I don’t think violence is the answer,” he answered diplomatically and I snorted in the back. Anna kept her gaze focused out the window, not speaking, which I’d come to learn meant she didn’t agree. “I also wonder why they haven’t retaliated yet if their purpose is to start something.”